Chapter 3

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1 Year Later

It was officially 1 year since Sunghoon had gone missing

 1 year without Sunghoon's laughter and smile

 1 year without since the last time they all hung out together

 1 year without Sunghoon

When asking Mrs. Park she had said he had went out with a couple of his friends and never came back. Jangmi of course was distraught. She had given up all hope, at this point she was just waiting for his body to be discovered. There was no way he could've gone missing for a year and still be alive. The whole school had found out about Sunghoon now and they also helped in but shortly stopped a few months into it. Jangmi, Taeha, Jake, and Jay had suddenly stopped talking to each other. Jay and Jake talked to each other and were still best friends same went for Jangmi and Taeha. But the four never talked to each other anymore, they simply just walked by each other in the hallways, barely glancing at each other. They didn't know if it was the pain of the memories they had with Sunghoon together that kept them from speaking to each other, but it was definitely something. Jangmi had tried multiple times to try and talk to Jay and Jake again but each time ended in Jangmi just crying again in the girl's bathroom. Taeha however, made no attempt to, she had accepted the fact that it would never be the same again. Even if Sunghoon had come back, nothing would replace the time they lost with him not being there. So every time Jangmi brought up trying to talk to Jake and Jay, Taeha would simply go silent or try to shut her down. It wasn't until a Saturday morning when she got a call from Mrs. Park. The first one in 9 months.

OTP With Mrs. Park

Mrs. Park: Jangmi honey, how are you doing

Jangmi: I'm good Mrs. Park what about you?

Mrs. Park: It's been tough but we'll get through it

Jangmi: That's good to know

Mrs. Park: But Jangmi there's another reason I called you

Jangmi's heart dropped with the change of tone in Mrs. Park's voice

Jangmi: Y-yea what is it?

Mrs. Park: A body had been discovered earlier this morning, they think it's Sunghoon's

Jangmi: I-I

Jangmi couldn't believe it, she was waiting for it to happen and knew it eventually would but when she actually heard the news, she didn't think it was true

 She didn't want to think it was true

Mrs. Park: It's not confirmed yet but the body fits the description of what Sunghoon looked like when he went missing

Jangmi: I-I'm so so sorry, I can't imagine how you feel

Mrs. Park: Jangmi honey it's ok I still have hope that maybe it isn't him

Jangmi: Y-Yeah maybe it's not him, do Jake and Jay know about it yet?

Mrs. Park: Of course they were the first ones I called

Jangmi: Oh ok

Mrs. Park: Also could you tell Taeha for me? I don't have her number

Jangmi: S-Sure thing, and I hope the best for you

Mrs. Park: Thank you so much honey

With that the other line went silent. Jangmi still couldn't process what she had just heard. Sunghoon dead? Wait no no it was't confirmed yet. But it made sense, he had been missing for over a year, it had to be him. Jangmi was too shocked to cry, she was sure it would hit her later tonight when she really got time to think about it. She immediately called Taeha to tell her about Sunghoon.

OTP with Taeha

Jangmi: H-hi

Taeha: Jangmi what's wrong

Jangmi: Mrs. Park called me and told me Sunghoon might be dead

Taeha: I-I Sunghoon dead?

Jangmi: It's possible but not confirmed

Taeha: O-oh ok thanks for letting me know

Jangmi could hear Taeha's voice beginning to crack

Jangmi: No problem bye

Taeha: B-bye

Jangmi didn't feel like getting out of bed, so she just sat in her bed for another hour on her phone.

One week later:

 Today was the day, Jangmi was going to find out if it really was Sunghoon or not. All week she had been preparing herself for the worst, she made she wouldn't cry if it was Sunghoon. Her and Taeha were driving to the clinic together where the body was being tested. Apparently when the body was being examined, it was said to have suffered multiple hits to the head and it was badly beaten. Jangmi couldn't bear to hear it. If it really was her friend why'd he have to suffer such a brutal death. When her and Taeha arrived, they could already see Jake and Jay walking into the clinic

 "Are you ready?" Taeha asked

Jangmi just nodded

 The two girls walked in silence into the clinic. When they arrived they saw Jake, Jay, Mrs. Park, and Sunghoon's little sister. Upon the two girls walking into the clinic all the heads that were down looked up at them

 "Ah hello Jangmi and Taeha" Mrs. Park said giving them a small smile

 The two girls said hi as they took a seat. The atmosphere was silent and awkward. Maybe it was because they were going to find out if they're friend was dead or not. Jangmi couldn't stand the awkwardness between her and the two boys, she was sure Taeha felt the same. But they couldn't start talking now it wasn't fitting for the situation. Suddenly one of the people who had examined the body came out of the room

 "Mrs. Park, we have the results"

Sorry I haven't updated in while! My WiFi cut out and we just got it fixed today, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!

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