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           I wake up at around 7. I brush my hair and get dressed into a black singlet with a phoenix feather on the front and black short shorts with lace up knee high black boots. Terror tower day so I and some leather biker gloves. Once a year we have a week of competitions your cabin can pick allies and chose your weapon. Today was day one and my favourite the terror tower. (imagine the tower at the start of sea of monsters movie.) There are five different leavels. At the top is a laureal that you have to grab the only catch is at least three members of your team must reach the top. Because I'm the only one in my cabin I teamed up with Percy Jackson in Poseidons cabin. Maybe I'm a little biased being part Poseidon. I would have chosen Athena's cabin as well but they already have an aliance with Hphestas and Apollo.

              I jog up to the dining pavilion. I like his week because everyone forgets that I'm an outsider. Percy jogs beside me. We're not exsactly good friends but we're not enemies, lets call it loose friends.

"So um you said I could choose the third cabin as long as it wasn't Ares, and all the other cabins already have aliances..." Percy says uncertaintly.

"Great so we can't even particapate." I interupt.

"I did find someone he is the only one in his cabin and he usually doesn't paticapate but I er called in a IOW and he agreed."

"Brilliant so who is this kid, can he take the heat?" I ask grabing a plate.

"Ask him yourself, Hey Nico." Percy says calling to a boy behind him. Nico as in Nico Di Angelo? This is either going to be really good or really bad. I vote the later. Nico jogs up to us wearing black cargo pants, a black shirt with a grey skull and a black aviator jacket.

"Nico this is Phoenix seether." Percy says I cringe at the use of my mortal fathers last name. Nico puts on a poker face and just gives my one nod.

"Phoenix Nico."

"We have met." I say without emotion I am regretting telling this boy my true form.

"Game plan, Percy find out what colour isn't taken, report back after breakfast." I command. Percy does a salute and marches off. I beckon Nico to follow. I lead him to a small sword fighting ring.

"Why are we here?" Nico inquires. I scowl I thought it would be obvious.

"I want to know how good you are, I ofder this deal to every demigod who comes onto my team, swords only if you beat me your team captian if you loose you follow me." Nico just nodds. Some miht say this is an unfair fight but what can I say I want good team members. Nico unsheathe a stingian iron blade. Impressive but nothing can compete with my black gold blade. I am fond of it, I call it torpiliko the greek word for destroyer. We begin.

              We move in a curcle niether one of us making a move. good footwork I muse. He thrusts at me and Is block. Ah my move. I move with lightning speed. Nico is good I give him that. His balde comes up to meet mine, I twist and step in so my back is pressed against his chest. I feel him tense I'm not suprised a son of Hades will always be on the out side he probely doesn't get the chance to get to know someone. I twirl my blade around his causing it to clatter to the ground. I pick it up with lightnig spped and trip him over. I cross both blades to his throat. Nico just lies there in awe. I flip the blade and hand it back to him. "Your good now I want to know what weapon everyone else plans on using." I say as I walk away unfased by our little battle.

Nico POV

           I am confident about my chances in a sword fight. After all the sword is my weapon. However I was sorly mistaken in a few minutes I am coated in sweat. Phoenix twists in a very skilled move, and the next thing I know is her back is pressed right up against me. I tense up I don't allow people to get this  close to me. By the time I blink she has me pinned down and his pointing my own sword at me. I don't hesatate when she tells me to investigate the other teams weapons. I am grubling about being pinned down by a girl, when I run into Percy.

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