The mansion of love

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Phoenix's POV

                           Once I saw the dove I knew Aphrodite was inviting us to her Brookyln mansion. It is almost 6 O'Clock by the time we get there. I don't know what mortals see when they look at it but to us it is a massive white stone mansion. I know from experience that the interior is just as impressive. I watch the other's awestruck faces as we get out of the car. I forrget not everyone has seen this. I walk up to the double doors and press the rose petal to the door. It swings open to  reveal a huge ballroom with marbel staircases either side and a balcony. Ah home.

"What now?" Irene asks still craning her head in every direction.

"Now we wait for Aphrodite's arrival." I reply.

Just as I've said it a cool calming voice with a american acient says "There is no need to wait I am here." The voice is nothing to the woman who comes down the stairs. She wears a beautifull red dress, the most beautiful face imaginable with brown curls.

"Aphrodite I squeel and run to hug her like a five year old.

"Hello my dear"she replies berrying me in a hug.

"And this must be Irene Gene and Nico Di Angelo" Aphrodite says releasing me.

" Would you like to join me for dinner, I might be able to help you with your quest?" Aphrodite asks looking at Irene and Nico.

Nico's POV

                         With a lot of thank yous and such Aphrodite hurrys Irene upstairs to get ready for dinner. I find myself alone with Phoenix in the godess of love's mansion what is a guy ment to do? I decide to play it safe.

"So I take it you have been in this place lots." I say.

"Thats an understatement I used to live here, come I'll show you" She says taking me by the hand. Wait taking me by the hand.

"I don't think we should be wondering off." I say trying and failing to ignor her hand in mine. She ignors me and points to a wall that is full of people in nice gowns. I imedatly find her as a 6 year old in a pink dress and then again at 10 in a green dress.

"You look beautiful" I say pointing to the 6 year old her with plaits and a pink dress. She looks at the picture and laughs.

"That was taken the night before I went to live with Artmis."

"I didn't know you lived with Artimis." I say.

"Yeah I lived with Aphrodite until I was 6 then was handed over to Artmis then at 10 I stayed one last night with Aphrodite before Athena took me to the centre of Manhatten and told me to make my way to Camp Half Blood where I met Irene." She says all of this with anair of sadness. I noticed that ever since she badaged me up Phoenix hasn't said anything or acted happy at all that is until she saw Aphrodite. I am about to ask whats wrong when Irene comes down the steps. She looks good. Her hair is streaked with purple and she wears a purple dress. Then Aphrodite grabs me by the arm. I give a desparate look at Phoenix. She just smiles.

The love godess leads me to a room that at first apears to be bare. But when I look again I find out that there is a catwalk like shape on the floor. Weird but I am too freaked out to ask.

"Come now Nico Di Aangelo step onto the stage" She says indicating to the shape. Not wanting to upset her I step onto it.

"Good now how about this?" She asks mostly to herself. A white tux apears on me, what the? Aphrodite does this four more times until she gasps "That is it that is the one." A mirror apears infront of me. I see myself in a sparking black tux with a red bowtie.

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