CH 01 || Ava

59 19 103

A Mule's Tale

Activities busied the tiny orphanage as children and teenagers walked up and down, preparing for their everyday routine. Noise filled the air, most grown teenagers walked around with a crying baby and the rest of the children were doing one or two things. It was yet another day with pleading expectancy.

But today wasn't any normal routine for fourteen-year-old Ava. As everyone was doing what pertained to them, the small teen was in her room with two other mates.

Standing in front of the mirror with so much ecstasy, she remonstrated while holding a pair of dresses in her hands placing them one after the other on her chest to choose which fitted her more appropriately.

"Ugh! " She stomped her feet lightly on the ground.

"Hey, Pondy," called a sixteen-year-old Marie by the nickname everyone called her in the orphanage. "Why are you whining? You've been doing that for an hour now." She asked, her back pressed against the wall where she sat by the lower bunk while reading a book.

Without turning to face Marie, Ava continued to whine, bouncing up and down in frustration. "Ugh! Why can't any of them look good on me?"

"Any of what?" Asked Lisa - a brown-skinned girl with thick curls- as she bounced off the bed towards Ava.

"These stupid dresses," she frowned, scratching her calf with her sock-covered toe.

Lisa took the dress from her, finally finding the colour that suited her fair skin colour.

"Thanks, Liz," ava appreciated, opening her arms for an embrace that Lisa fell into - a smile curled up on her brown face.

"We are gonna miss you, Pondy," said Lisa, breaking away from the hug.

"Yeah, a lot. But at least I won't be seeing that annoying face of yours anymore." Said Marie, pursing her lips.

Ava chuckled, jumping unto the bed where Marie sat. "I'm sure you'll be seeing this annoying face in your dreams and she will be there in your plate of pudding," Ava said, tickling Marie who couldn't resist the sensitive feelings on her ribs as she laughed, wriggling out of Ava's fingers and almost falling off the bed.

After so much laughter from the three friends, Ava was freed to dress up. She squealed like a captured squirrel, looking at herself from the mirror. With bags already packed, Ava then had to go downstairs. She picked her loose and almost empty holdall, bidding her roommates bye while holding in the tears of having to lose the people she grew up with.

Receiving many farewells and blown kisses, she with her ever-smiling face bounced her way down the hallways until she reached the office of Mrs. Wales - the founder of Wales Orphanage. Ava was welcomed with a hug and a crooked smile from her before accompanying her outside. Reaching the outside, she stood on the porch, a smile slowly forming on her face.

There her new parents stood, returning her smile with warmer ones. She turned to Mrs. Wales who blinked slowly, nodding her head as she pushed her gently forward.

"Be good dear." Said the old fat lady.

Mrs. Wales and many orphans who stood at the window watched as Ava ran to the open arms of her new parents who both held her in between them in the warmest embrace; the one thing she was never opportune to enjoy in childhood.

Her new parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wright' found her when they decided to do charity work by donating to the poor orphanage. When they met her, she was the only kid that really drew their attention. She staggered them with naive but deep questions and her free spirit bought her their instant attention and love.

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