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chapter three | no one's point of view.

hal 🦋 hey guys sorry but i don't think i'm gonna be able to hang tonight

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hal 🦋
hey guys sorry but i don't think i'm gonna be able to hang tonight. sam doesn't have football practice so i'm hanging with him. another time? luv y'all 🤍

jess 🧸

eileen 🧃

eileen's phone starts ringing and when she looks at it, it's an upcoming facetime from jessie. she answers it and props it up against her vanity mirror. she was currently sat, trying to get some homework done.

"ok either i'm a psycho bitch, or whatever but why does it piss me off that she's choosing sam over us. we've had these plans for a week," she hears jess say once she answers the phone. eileen nodded, "no i definitely think it's kinda rude. she could've left that part out."

"exactly. she's been getting on my nerves lately." jessie states and eileen shrugs. "im just chilling honestly. if she wants to ditch us to hang out with her boyfriend, that's on her." she hears jess sigh. "you're right. you still wanna hang?" eileen nods. "of course. what time will you be home?"

she hears jess make a noise before finally saying, "like, 10 minutes. you picking me up still?" eileen nods. "alright. let me know when you leave. be careful. i love you," jess says. eileen nods, "will do. i love you."

it had been about a week since eileen and jess had last hung out with halle, and even then it was only before school for about ten minutes. and halle didn't even talk to them, she was mad at them for walking in together.

truth was, it didn't bother eileen as much as she thought it would. she was just thankful she had jess, who she's been getting extremely close to lately.

she hears her phone buzz and she looks at it, as it's still placed in front of her.

dyl :)
hey what r you doing

e 🥺
im about to hang out with jess. wbu ?

dyl :)
oh i was gonna ask if u wanted to go to the movies

e 🥺
aw u know i would but i promised her. i'll make it up to u another time ok? :)

dyl :)
yeah for sure lmao

eileen eyebrows furrowed at her phone when she read his message. he sounded weird, she thinks. she shrugged it off and grabbed her phone before going to lay on her bed.

𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now