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chapter eleven | no one's point of view.

"HE'S COMING DOWN TODAY?" halle exclaims, causing everyone in the small breakfast restaurant to look over at the table of three

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"HE'S COMING DOWN TODAY?" halle exclaims, causing everyone in the small breakfast restaurant to look over at the table of three. eileen's eyes widened and halle just shrugs them off. "i cannot." jessie states, just looking off in the corner. eileen just nods. "i'm supposed to pick him up at eleven. i don't know what to do guys. ollie has a baseball game today and he asked me to come."

jessie looks up and she smiles. "bring him!" eileen's eyes widen, and halle nods frantically. "yes! he would love that. please do it." "i don't know you guys. what if my mom gets mad?"

jessie shakes her head. "you know she won't. she'll be so excited." eileen sighs. it was currently nine am, and vinnie was supposed to board in thirty minutes. "okay. i'm gonna ask him if he would want to come." her two best friends nod and just go into a small conversation about what was happening while eileen tapped away on her phone.

i have a question


okay so my little brother's baseball game is tonight, and i was wondering if you wanted to go?

:D i would love to!!

"okay, he said yes. i need to go and talk to mom." eileen says, while standing up and grabbing her keys and iced coffee. halle stands up and nods, as does jessie. "okay, here is what is gonna go down. go home, tell her. then before he comes over, call us and show us what you're wearing. when you're at the game, we need updates. this is fucking crazy. vinnie hacker is gone meet you and your family tonight."

eileen quickly shakes her head. "nope. if i think about it too much, i'm gonna throw up."

eileen's mom, danielle, she gasps. "honey, of course. you know i don't mind. oh my gosh, i'm excited now. why have i not heard anything about this boy?" her mom teases and eileen shakes her head with red cheeks. "it's just.. i feel like it's too good to be true." her mom shakes her head and moves forward to softly grasp her hand. "baby, don't think like that. good things can happen to you, y'know." eileen nods. "now show me a picture of this boy."

"oh my gosh," danielle gushes with wide eyes. "he is adorable." eileen laughs and just blushes more. "i'm excited. ollie will be too, oh he will be stoked. his game is at six, and we're gonna eat after, so this should be fun!"

"okay mom. i'm gonna pick him up at eleven." her mother nods and smiles at her daughter. "i'm happy for you. cant wait to meet him." eileen smiles and walks up the stairs to her room.

𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now