Chapter 18: Elemental Armor

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After the meeting adjourned Seth's father directed a guardsmen to show them to the guest rooms. Seth turned to go as well but he felt a hand tug at his cloak. He turned to find his sister looking at him.

"What is it," Seth said saying it harsher than he meant to. She visibly flinched at the bite in his voice.

"Don't you want to stay and talk?" she asked. "I've been waiting to meet you for well... forever and now that you're here you just want to ignore me?" Seth turned and patted her on her shoulder armor.

"It's not as if I want to ignore you, but you have got to give me time to register all this. I didn't even know you existed till today, or that my father was the King of an entire race! It's ... It's just that its going to take me some time to adjust." She looked like she wanted to say something, but Seth turned and began walking away.

Seth exited the Castle and without waiting for anyone else he wandered off his heart in turmoil. He was so deep in thought in fact that he didn't even pay attention to where he was going. He just wandered passing by several elves and townspeople who all regarded him with curiosity as he past by. No doubt wondering what a human was doing wondering their city. Seth continued to wonder until he found himself on the outskirts of the city staring up and an impossibly large oak tree. With not many elves around here Seth was immediately alerted to the sound of footsteps behind him. When he turned to look he discovered it was Rylee who had followed him. Seth turned his back on her without saying a word, not sure what to say. It was then that Rylee did something completely unexpected. Although Seth heard her approaching, he could only gasp when he felt her wrap her arms around him and give him a hug.

   "You know..." She said awkwardly. "You aren't alone. You have people you can talk to, and although i don't know what's going on in that head of yours, we... I am always here to listen." Seth slightly turned to look at her. Her auburn eyes matching her hair met his at the same time. Seth saw her blush a deep scarlet and quickly let go of him stepping back. Seth turned to face her.

"Thank you for caring Rylee it means a lot to me." Still blushing Rylee only nodded. 

   "Even when you are a hundred years old a girl is still a girl," a voice said. Seth turned to it and saw his dad walking toward them. "But she's not wrong. I know circumstances have kept us apart until now but now that I have the chance I would like to get to know my son." Seth said nothing not sure what to say back to that. "However, that isn't why I came." Seth raised an eyebrow in question.

   "Strat said he was looking for you to start your training." 

   Seth groaned, "Already, he really is a slave driver." 

   Rylee laughed "Yeah well you've only scratched the surface with most of your powers, and if anyone can get you ready before we set out day after tomorrow its Stratos." Seth thought for a moment and began to grin. 

   "Well, then we shouldn't keep him waiting."


   Seth stood facing Strat on an open field commonly used for training. Nearby his Father, the King, stood by observing silently. 

   "Seth your powers and abilities have always been outstanding," Strat began to lecture. "But you have only scratched the surface."

  "So, i have been told," Seth said while briefly glancing over to where Rylee was standing.

  "Yes, well as you've discovered there are many applications to our abilities. such as controlling more precise and accurate attacks. But..." Strat paused as if to let the word hang in the air for dramatic effect. "There are other applications such as hand to hand combat and body enhancement." 

The Heroes of the Elemental Academies  Book 2: Dragon's BreathWhere stories live. Discover now