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A/N: So this is my favorite death. I hate Fitz. A lot. So writing this was really satisfying. Also, I'm writing this as if Alden was a member of the Neverseen.

Fitz ran across the clearing. He had to get away. He had to make it in time. Knowing he was being chased didn't help.

His heart skipped a beat when the hooded figure of his nightmares appeared in front of him. Then a second behind him.

"I wish we had done this a long time ago." The one behind him said. He was sure now that it was Umber.

A sharp pain went through his leg. She was using shadowflux.

Closing his eyes, he tried to reach out to Sophie. "Sophie, help. Please, hurry" he kept telling himself that she was coming; that she was right over the hillside.

But no one came. His entire body hurt, and he used the last of his willpower to reach out one more time. "Please Sophie"


Pure, deafening silence.

The second figure pulled down their hood. It was Fintan.

"I sure hope Alden doesn't mind me killing his prized son." He grimaced.

"What do you mean" Fitz croaked. His mind wasn't processing what he was saying.

"Oh, you didn't know. Alden is with us now" Fitz's insides began to churn. He had learned something terrible. And it was a secret about to die with him.

"Any last words?" Umber asked, though it felt like a taunt; a joke.

"She'll defeat you, she'll stop you all. Forever" there was laughter. Pure evil laughter, before Umber shot him with one last bolt of shadowflux, and everything went blank.

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