"I DONT KNOW FIN!" I didn't know why I was yelling, but I felt like I had to. "don't yell! She's going to wake up!" Finneas was whisper yelling, because apparently, we don't want her to wake up. "FIN THATS THE POINT! IM NOT HOLDING HER HOSTAGE...... I want her to wake up, we need her to wake up" I said now calming down and tearing up instead of yelling. "okay... we'll figure it out.... just what on earth happened? I don't understand" "I think she was assaulted or followed or sum, she had pepper spray in her hand and-"
I was cut off by her dog, whom according to the collar, was named Bue, and since it was turquoise, I think is a boy. "what's this?" fin said in a soft, baby voice. "that's her dog bue, I think it's a boy" I said calmly, well as calm as one can be given the circumstance. Bue kept barking while he ran to almost lifeless body of a girl laying on my sofa. "hey, hey. Bue there's no need to panic, mommy's just sleeping, okay?" finneas said trying to calm bue, yet he seemed to feel attacked which led to bue biting fin "OH MY-" I chuckle hearing finneas. I started tickling bue from under his chin (if that makes sense) while tickling him he saw his collar. Weird but cute.
"where am I?" both me and fin snapped our head towards the girl, who by now had woken up. Bue ran to her and started liking all over her face making the girl giggle. "he's cute" I said trying to make conversation. "he?" she chuckled "I just thought that since-" "since the collar was turquoise, you thought she's a boy?" "I- I'm sorry I-" "no its fine, the only reason that its turquoise is because the color calms her down" I smiled after hearing her say that I thought she'd be mad.
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