My story 1-21-15

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Hey guys so this is just gonna be my story about life and things that I go through

and just all about me and maybe I'll turn it into kinda a blog type online diary thing so here it goes.

My name is Taylor Walters I am 14 years old and my life has been a mixture of some up times but a hella lot of down times

My life was pretty good for a little while then my parents started fighting because my dad kept cheating on my mom every time he'd cheat he would promise me he'd never do it again and he would just do it again on the last time he cheated (8th time) I stayed up crying wishing he wouldn't do it again but he did so I lost most of my respect for him

My parents finally got a divorce when I was 12 and from then on everything has been fucked up

2013-2014 In 7th grade I met this girl named Leighanna and instantly fell in love well I kinda already knew her and have known her since kindergarten but we just forgot but anyways I fell in love but I just kept denying my feelings because my dad has always told me it's not okay to date the same sex (btw I'm bisexual ) and we got together but I kept breaking up with her because I didn't want to face the fact of me liking the same sex and every time we'd break up I felt so empty and lost inside and didn't know what to do.

Also in 7th grade I started listen to bands such as Attila, Black Veil Brides, Pierce The Veil, Blood On The Dance Floor, Nirvana, Korn, Creed, Guns N Roses and many more.

I also started to cut that was the biggest mistake of my life I didnt know it at the time but it was, I also became very suicidal and depressed and started to have really bad anxiety it was all just a very rough time for me.

2014-2015 Fast forward to 8th grade I've been cutting for about a year now and in August the 23 school starts back up I'm not that excited because me and Leighanna where not on the best terms over the summer because of all the shit I put her through and to this day 1-21-15 I still feel like complete shit from all the stuff I put her through in 2013-2014 anyways we didn't talk for about the first week and it was very awkward because I still loved her and I didn't know it but she still loved me.

Fast forward again to 10-1-14 the day me and my perfect baby girl my forever and always my life and my eternity my soon to be wife my best friend my girlfriend my princess my whole entire universe got back together. That's the day my life changed for the better that's the day I stopped cutting for a while that day was the happiest day of my life. We are still together and have been happily and faithfully for 3 months and 20 days it's been the best 3 months of my life. Me and her plan on getting married and having children one day. We actually plan on moving to California or somewhere that allows same sex marriage and right after high school or when I turn 16 we are getting married.

No one really gets how much we love each other we have a very rocky story but we wouldn't change it for anything.

We are happily together but the thing is we are having a long distance relationship at this moment in time because I moved but it's only 2 hours away so we can see each other over the summer and stuff but we still miss each other like crazy Yeah life's hard right now but we will get past it and stay strong so we can be old and look back and say we made it.

So it is now 2015 and I have been battling severe anxiety, depression insomnia, suicidal thoughts, anorexia,and self harm for almost three years and it sucks I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy but to me my scars show a battle and currently I'm losing but I'll look and and say Damn Taylor you won no one stopped you and no one ever will.

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