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THE CEMETERY WAS SURROUNDED by paparazzi. As they tried to get a juicy story at Kate Argent's funeral, a group of people stepped out of their cars.

Alex Argent walked to her mother's funeral, not feeling a thing. Not sadness, not grief, nothing. You might have captured more emotions on her face when she found out someone ate her leftovers. Kate Argent was not a good mother, not even a good person— she was a horrible one who had killed innocent people. The world was probably a better place without her, and her daughter knew that. So, as, she would have told anyone who asked, you could sue her, if she didn't shed tears for a person, who only taught her one thing in life, which was, 'the only person you can count on is yourself'.

Alex walked past the barriers with her grandfather, that were put to keep the press out, when she sees a boy move past the barriers, and start to take pictures. The girl and her grandfather walk over to him, and she take the camera from his hand, as he stands up straight.

"This looks expensive." Gerard comments.

"Yeah, 900 bucks." The boy answers, as Alex pulls out the memory card from the camera.

"And how expensive is this?" She ask, as she break it in half, and the boy looks like he's about to cry.

They move on with out sparing the boy another glance. They probably let the boy down easy, if you were to ask Alex.

What? She said her mother was a horrible person, she didn't admit she wasn't.

"Christopher." Gerard greets his son, as they both embrace each other.

"Gerard." Chris replies.

"Hi, Aunt Victoria." Alex say, as the woman pulls the girl into a hug.

"I'm so sorry." She tells Alex, and she just nods her head, with a bland smile.

As Gerard turns to Victoria, Alex turn to face her Uncle Chris.

"Hello, Uncle Chris." She greets, as they hug each other.

"Alex, how are you?" He asks the girl.

"I'm good." She answer, and then turns to the person she was actually a bit excited to see. "Alli!"

"Alex!" She replies, as she wraps her arms around her cousin. "I didn't know you were coming."

"It's my Mom's funeral." Alex replies, as they break apart. "I had to come."

"Of course." Allison says, in a low voice.

"I'm just sad I didn't get to see her one last time." Alex tells her sadly, and Allison frowns.

"I'm sorry." Allison tells the girl, as Alex nods.

"Yeah, I really wanted to give her the finger one last time." Alex complete, as Allison looks at her in shock.

"Alex, behave." Gerard appears beside her, as she sits down, in between him, and Allison. "And would it kill you to shed some tears? It's your Mother's funeral for God's sakes."

"I would be crying, if she had actually been a good Mother to me." Alex tells him, sarcastically. "Or if she was still alive."

"If you can not cry, keep quite." He tells the girl, harshly. "People will get the wrong impression."

Alex just rolls her eyes, and turns to look in front of her, as he talks to Allison.

As, the service continues, Allison keeps on staring to her right, where she noticed Scott and Stiles were hiding, behind a gravestone.

Alex might have been lazy and uncooperative, but she was observant and as soon as she turns their way, the two boys stumble, and hide, as soon as they see her turning.

Huh, weird.

"WHO ARE YOU?" CHRIS asked the werewolf that the hunting party had just caught using the tripping wire, while Derek and Scott hide in the trees. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing." The werewolf who was hanging upside down rushes out, hurriedly. "Nothing, I swear."

"You're not from here, are you?" Alex steps out of the shadows and asks.

He doesn't answer, so Chris repeats loudly.

"Are you?" He yells.

"No." The werewolf finally answers. "No, I came... I came looking for the Alpha. I heard he was here. That's all." He tells them, in a pleading voice. "Look, I didn't do anything. I didn't hurt anyone. No one living. He wasn't alive in the ambulance. He wasn't, I swear."

Pathetic. The girl thinks. Not because he was a werewolf, but because of the begging.

"Gentlemen!" Gerard starts saying to the hunting party. "Take a look at a rare sight." He then turns towards Alex. "You wanna tell them what we've caught?"

"An Omega." Alex answers, without the slightest bit of interest. She looked like she didn't want to be there, and she actually didn't. She was forced by none other than Gerard to join the hunting party on this night.

"The lone wolf!" Gerard adds. "Possibly kicked out of his own pack. Or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down. Maybe even murdered. And possibly alone by his own choice. Certainly not a wise choice. Because, as I am about to demonstrate." He goes on, and unsheathes a sword. "An Omega rarely survives on his own."

With that, Gerard takes the swords, and swings it at the werewolf, slicing him in half.

And that's was not the worst part for Alex.

The worst part was, that it didn't even made her flinch. She just stood there, emotionless, not bothered by the gruesome violence in front of her. It made her question the type of person she was, but she was raised this way, she was raised to kill, to not show any mercy, to lead. She understood that much.

"We have a code." Chris whispered to his father.

"Not when they murder my daughter." Gerard tells him. "No code. Not anymore. From now on, these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half. Are you listening? Because I don't care if they're wounded and weak. Or seemingly harmless. Begging for their life with the promise that they will never, ever hurt anyone. Or some desperate, lost soul with no idea what they're getting into. We find them. We kill them. We kill them all."

What a bother.

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