2 | never lie about food

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"When all it would take to change everything is... one bite." The phone plays, as I walk into the burned down Hale house, and hand the phone to Uncle Chris, who had a terrified and tied up Allison in front of him. "And everything changes."

"Is this how we're gonna do father-daughter talks from now on?" Allison asks sarcastically, as the cloth on her mouth is removed.

"No, this is how we're gonna train you." Uncle Chris tells her. "Do you know why we use arrows?"

"They can't heal until it's taken out." Allison answers.

"Look familiar?" Uncle Chris asks her, holding the arrow, that Allison shot at the guy, who was going to kill Isaac.

"You were going to kill him." Allison justifies, as I sit down on the chair Uncle Chris got up from.

"That's right." He tells her. "And if we find Isaac on another full moon, we will kill him. That's the hard choice we make. But it wasn't my choice."

"Gerard?" She asks.

"No." He answers. "You see, our family has a surprisingly progressive tradition." He then turns to me. "Would you like to tell her?"

"Knowing wars and violence are typically started by men." I start. "We place the final decisions, the hard ones... with the women."

"Our sons are trained to be soldiers." Uncle Chris tells her, and walks closer to her. "Our daughters, to be leaders." He hands Allison the broken arrow. "Training starts now. Time her."

"Stilinski, Argent." Coach calls out. "Let's go."

We both make our way to the wall, and as I prepare to climb it, Stiles prepare to irritate me.

"Why are you avoiding everyone?" He asks, as we start to climb, and I roll my eyes, and climb faster. "Oh, come on, don't be like that." He whines.

I let out an irritated breath, and stop climbing, as he catches up to me.

"I'm not avoiding anyone." I tell him through gritted teeth, as we both start climbing.

"Oh, so you just happen to not run into anyone at the school we all go to." He asks me, sarcastically, and I just roll my eyes. "Or not see your cousin at the house you both live in."

"You know what?" I ask him. "Maybe I am avoiding you. Why do you care?"

"I don't care." He replies immediately, and I give him a look. "I just wanted to thank you for saving me."

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