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Kicking his skateboard up the gutter as he arrived, the school was crawling with anxious freshmen and egotistical seniors. Inez leaned against the trust talking to her friends about the First Day gossip. He approached her rapidly, pissed off.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Oh hey James! It's nice to see you, you look sweaty though? How was the fresh air?" She mocked.

James stormed off, should he waste his time on her? He had other things on his mind anyway.

That girl.

He hadn't seen her around before, wondering what school she must be attending, he walked to home room early. Just outside the classroom his class's lockers were aligned in rows, and he found his and tried to unlock it. Jamming on the first five tries, he kept going, growing more and more impatient. Eventually it unlocked and he stuffed his things into it.

The bell signalled for class, and he made his way into the class followed by a few other people. Always better to be early than late. Restless at desks, people chatted and there notes across the room until someone arrived slightly later than the rest and quietly apologised to the teacher before sitting down near James.

He couldn't believe the chances, it was her again. His heart began to race, what was it about her? He kept looking at her subtly, trying not to look like a fool. Getting a closer look, her cardigan had a sheep pin on it, and her hair was tied with a pretty white ribbon. She was elegant and sweet, however the way she spoke with others was frantic and overall she was full of energy. A total social butterfly.

"Ok I'm Mrs Green, I'll be taking attendance. Please say 'here' when you hear your name." The teacher began, this was James chance to learn her name. Never in a million years would he actually talk to her.

"Gordon, PJ?"
"Jenkins, Betty?"
"Here!" She smiled, hand shot up into the air almost knocking the cardigan right off her shoulders.
"Morris, James?"
He couldn't stop saying her name over and over in his head. Only vaguely he heard his name and meant to say 'here' but instead, like a fool he blurted; "Betty!"

The room snickered and the teacher looked confused.
"Mr Morris work on your manors and listen. Morris, Inez?"

Betty looked back at James from her seat near the front of the room, her dark skin was glowing and she smiled shyly at him before looking down at the ground quickly.

Mortified and humiliated, he buried his face in his books. Inez threw paper at him and he unfolded the note. 'Idiot.' She wasn't exactly wrong.

He glared back at her before returning to his humiliation. After the bell rang for first period, he quickly headed out the room and down the hall. Someone tapped on his shoulder, and he turned quickly to see Betty behind him.

"Hello! Did you want to ask me something in home room?"
James blinked. "Um- what sorry?"
"Did you want to ask me something? You said my name and I thought you wanted me or something?"
"Oh no I didn't want to ask you anything sorry my brain was confused. I was thinking about..." he brewed up an excuse, "everyone's names! New school, so I'm trying to remember everyone's names so I kept repeating yours... so I wouldn't forget it, Betty."

She blushed a little bit, her face filled with warmth. "Well, I wouldn't want to forget yours either... James." They stared at each other a few seconds. "So new school? What do you have for your first class?"
"English? I think?"
"Well it's the other way, don't worry I'll show you. I have Music which is right next to it. Some people hate it because we make too much noise and when people are reading or writing it's a distraction. If you ask me we're just supplying entertainment." She laughed to herself. Noticing James was quiet, she turned the attention to him. "So, where you from, James?"
"Rhode Island. Our neighbour was a nightmare so mum couldn't handle it. She left as soon as she could and now we're here."

"What was wrong with the neighbours?" She was intrigued. Perfect.
"Well, she was loud. Kinda crazy as well. She had one of the biggest houses in the area, Salt Box house as they called it- oh are we here already?" He was slightly sad that the conversation would have to end.

"Unfortunately yes this is where we part. But, do tell me at lunch. Meet me under the big oak tree out the front of the school." She popped through the Music Room door, leaving James in the hallway.

Old oak.
The front of the school.

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