Part 3

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His first two classes went quick, yet he didn't absorb any information at all. Since his late arrival to English already set him in an awkward situation, the only desk left was at the back window; very inconvenient because it looked right over the front of the school. The parking lot and it's multicoloured cars, people sprinting into the building as they ran late and the bikes that were locked up. None of that mattered, because for the whole time all James could focus on was the Old Oak Tree. It looked rather simple, guarding the school with its shade. He imagined how many years of students had been there and what had occurred. How many fights, lunches, dates and break ups. He wasn't one to daydream, but it was all he could think about. Maybe Inez would know more about it.

When the bell rang for lunch, he practically darted to the door, pushing people out the way. Sure enough under the shade sat Betty with her legs crossed and her back propped against the huge roots. She saw James approaching and waved kindly, inviting him to join her.

"Want some?" She picked up the packet of chips she had and offered him some to which he refused. In her lap was a brown leather book which she had folded the corner of a page to continue later.

The tree was even bigger in person, with huge towering branches that made James feel small. He wanted to so badly climb it, but perhaps that would be better for another day. In the bark, multiple initials were carved with hearts around them, romantic yet tragic. He wondered how many of the couples were still together.

"So, you need to tell me about this Neighbor."
"Pardon?" He asked.
"You know! The crazy one!" Her eyes were filled with curiosity, ready to drink every last detail.
"Well..." he took a moment to compose the story.

To make the story more fun; play 'The Last Great American Dynasty" now :)

"She lived at the end of the street in Salt Box House as she called it and danced for the ballet." He looked to see if she was still interested.
"Oh I love the ballet! What was her name I might know her?"
"Rebecca Harkness?"
"No way I've read so much about her. She's stunning. And her technique is flawless. It must have been so crazy to live right near her."
"Yeah it was cool, but she was driving mum mad!Always throwing parties and such, it caused a huge uproar because the street was so simple before she came along, quiet and content. Her husband was rolling in cash, he owned some oil company. Bill was his name. There's rumours that she killed him or something with a poison. Then again that's just a folklore."
"You don't think she'd actually kill him do you?"
"Well... she was kind of crazy. She literally never calmed down, always had something on. After Bill died she suddenly had more men  over and more money than before, younger men from the ballet. She defended herself saying it was rehearsal; but the affair claims are too vivid to be untrue. She ruined everything and was never apologetic."
"Jeez I had no idea. You said your mum went crazy because of her? Surely some noise wasn't too bad?"

"Well yes you'd think so however when there's literally paparazzi harassing you to get the scoop on her and then get accused of connections there's some issues. We had a Labrador, his name was Scuffy. Dad went over to her house one Sunday after church because she was throwing another party at 11am. He pounded on her door. She answered and started yelling at him; that he had no idea. Of corse this set of war between them. To be fair she completely started it because she took Scuffy."
"Why did she do with him?"
"Well she dyed him green." James let out bluntly. Betty gave a short laugh and almost choked on her chips before nodding and making him continue.
"Literally bright green! And his blonde fur wouldn't let it wash out; it's a shame because he was a show dog and had a lot coming up. Of corse that ruined a whole show season for us."

"I don't get it though, why did your mother hate her ?"
James went silent, and thought about it for a few moments. "To be honest, I'm not sure. She's not the most reliable person. She won't tell us anything either."
"My sister, Inez, and I. She's been quiet the whole time, you know; moving here without Dad. We don't even really know why the split still, but he's still there because I guess he got to keep the house? He also has Scuffy. I think that's what I'll miss the most."
"I'm so sorry about that, it must be hard." She placed a hand on James shoulder and looked into his eyes empathetically. It was a genuine, warm look, one he hadn't seen in years.
"It's ok. He was never really around anyway because he was always on a business trip. Oh well though, shit happens."
"Indeed it does." She laughed quietly.

Perhaps he had overshared or perhaps he had gotten his hopes up too high, but she was so warm and genuine. Real. Flawless. It seemed that she was the only of her kind, or at least the only one James knew himself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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