Chapter One

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A loud clap of thunder echoed through the empty house, a brilliant streak of lighting illuminating the room. The silhouette of a girl sat on the king sized bed, her hair draped over her knees in a clump. It was nights like these that she hated being alone. It was nights like these that she needed him most.

They would spend nights like these, curled up on her sofa in front of the fireplace, talking about everything that had happened to them throughout the day and their life aspirations. But now it seemed as if his presence had been nothing but the ghost of her imagination, giving her the feeling of love and friendship she'd longed for.

Jack Gilinsky was a beautfiul man, the only one who could comfort her on days like this when things had gone sour. She wanted nothing more than for him to burst through the door, holding his large black umbrella above his head with a large grin spread across his cheeks. He'd close the umbrella, shed his coat and come cuddle with her there on that couch. 

But those dreams were gone.

And she only had herself to blame.


A long gust of wind swept underneath Keatons skirt as she made her way into the school lobby, causing a wave of snickers and a small amount of whispering from the group of boys idled near the front steps. She rolled her eyes, adjusting her skirt and moving forward towards her locker. As she got closer, she could see that a group of girls were eyeing someone who's locker was beside hers. She shuffled through the throng of females, and managed to stumble into whoever was standing there.

"Watch where you're going!" a male voice shouted, and she could hear the giggles erupt from the girls behind her.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to," she stammered, regaining her balance and looking up into the eyes of the culprit. Her breath caught in her throat as she captured his face in her memory. His hazel eyes swept over her slowly, his sharp jawline tensing up with every passing second. His dark hair was styled into a quiff and his tan skin stood out against the pale color of his jacket.

"Keep standing there with your mouth open and you'll catch flies girly," he smirked, his fingers closing her gaping mouth with a single tap before he gathered his books and pushed his way through the group of girls surrounding them. She blinked, trying to grasp what had just occured. Who was that?

Shaking off her sudden wave of feelings, she smoothed her shirt and opened her locker. Whatever had just occured would probably never happen again for the rest of her natural born life, so it was best for her not to dwell on it. Gathering her books, she pushed her coat into her locker and slammed it shut before making her way to homeroom.

As she entered homeroom, she saw her friend Daisy sitting by the window with her bright red hair tied up in a ponytail. She smiled before sitting down beside her, bumping into her slightly to grab her attention. Daisy turned to face her, grinning like a mad woman as she realized who it was.

"So I heard you had an encounter with the new kid this morning." she smirked.

"Oh my gosh. That fast?"

"Word gets around Keaton."

Keaton sighed, running her fingers through her hair before looking up at the board.  As her eyes scanned the board, that's when he walked in. Her breath caught in her throat and she wanted to throw up. He glanced at her, smirking before walking down the aisle towards her. She looked away from him, hoping he wouldn't acknowledge her presence. He made his way past her desk, brushing his fingers along the edge before claiming the seat behind her. He didn't speak, something she was grateful for, but she could smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne which only meant that either he was abnormally close to her or he had sprayed way more than he'd thought.

The bell rang signalling the start of homeroom, and as the announcements came over the intercom speakers she tried her best to pay attention. She could feel the eyes of almost everyone in the classroom turned to stare at the new boys, but she felt as if they were staring at her as well. As their homeroom teacher entered the room, she began to take roll.

"Daisy Frier?"

"Here!" Daisy called, raising her hand before snapping her gum in an annoying manner which caused Keaton to snicker.

"Spit that gum out Daisy." the teacher snapped. Rolling her eyes, Daisy raised herself up from her desk and made her way to the trashcan. 

"So," she heard a voice behind her. She went rigged and tried hard to ignore the voice behind her.

"Oh don't be like that." 

She could hear the amusement in his voice as the rest of the roll was called. Heat ran to her cheeks, and she prayed that Daisy wouldn't take her usual sweet time to come back to her desk.

"Jack Gilinsky?" the teacher called. The room was silent for a moment as she looked around before giving a large smile in Keaton's direction. Keaton turned to see the boy behind her raising his hand. His eyes were bright with amusement as she stared at him. Blushing, she turned around to face the front.  She heard him chuckle as the names were called.

"Keaton Phillips?"

Timidly she raised her hand, managing a "Here" 

"Keaton, that's interesting." she heard him murmur. She turned around, expecting to snap at him for making fun of her name.

"Are you gonna say some shit about my name?"

His eyes widened and he quickly shook his head before a sneaky grin spread across his face. He leaned closer to her and whispered, "Only that I'll be moaning it when you ride me." 

Her eyes grew wide and she shoved him back before turning her head to face the front once more.

"Pig," she muttered. She heard him giggle before the bell rang. She quickly gathered her bookbag and grabbed Daisy by the arm, dragging her friend behind her. 

"Oh my god Keaton, chill. What happened?"

"Men are disgusting." she rolled her eyes before continuing towards her first period.

"Keaton, you do know my first period is the other way." 

Keaton screeched to a halt, turning to face Daisy.

"I completely spaced. I'm sorry. Go make a run for it dude. I'm so sorry. Don't be late." she called as she watched Daisy race down the hall. Turning around, she quickly made her way to the gym in hopes that the rest of the day would fly by and she would have no more interesting encounters with Mr.Gilinsky.

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