Chapter Two

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Gym flew by and before she knew it, lunch had arrived. Keaton opened her locker, pulled out her lunchbox and slammed it shut before making her way to the lunchroom. It was unusually crowded, probably due to the extremely windy weather outside. She shoved her way through the crowd, in search of Daisy's bright red hair. As her eyes scanned the lunchroom, she felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her shoulders.

"So about that date tonight..." a voice mumbled in her ear.

Khalil. Your average playboy who somehow managed to shag the whole volleyball team within a two week timespan. His name was legendary amongst the African American population at their school, and he had managed to win over almost every girl he set his sights on. He had been trying to get with Keaton for as long as she could remember, but he just never appealed to her. She wouldn't deny he was attractive, just something other than his abnormal sex life seemed to bother her.

"In your dreams Khalil." she hissed, elbowing him in the stomach. She heard him grunt, before she walked away in a more desperate search for her friend. She spotted her sitting towards the middle of the cafeteria, an apparent frown sitting on her face. She was surrounded by a few of their friends, and they seemed to be in a deep conversation.

Keaton sat down in her seat, opened her lunch box and began listening to the conversation at hand.

"I don't care about baseball, football, soccer or any other sport. I just want to know why you won't ask her to homecoming. We all know you're going." Daisy huffed, kicking her sneakers up on the table.

"Get your feet off the table Daisy, that's gross." Keaton grumbled as she bit into her sandwich. She watched as Daisy rolled her eyes before continuing to assault Aaron. Keaton, she admired Daisy. Daisy was beautiful in more aspects than one, and when she stepped into a room she commanded it without so much as a second guess. She was beautiful, with her bright red hair that cascaded in waves down her back, and her pale skin. She held the spot of co-captain on the soccer and cheer team, yet she never seemed to hang around the more popular group.

She was always with her, Aaron, May, and Carter. Aaron, he was your average dork with unaverage facial features. He sat in his room most days on the computer or doing something weird to his television. But if he tried hard enough he could have run for prom king. He was tall with jet black hair that he kept swept over his forehead, freckles dusted across his otherwise clear skin, and a nice shiny set of braces on his teeth. He had broad shoulders, with a small amount of pudge hidden underneath his baggy shirts. He was an absolute sweety, which is one reason Daisy took a keen interest in him. She always kept a sharp eye on him, and whenever someone bothered him, there was hell to pay. He was a great guy all in all, which made it hard for anyone not to be friends with him.

Then there was May. May, was an absolute genius hidden within a models body. Her skin was the color of caramel and she always dressed to impress. Every day she had a new style that seemed to be the envy of about 90% of the female population. She dressed way ahead of her time, and by the time the trend she'd been sporting for weeks had officially hit the market, she was on to the next big thing. A lot of people at Waukegan High had the misconception that because of her good looks,money, and abnormal popularity amongst the masses, that May was a dunce. But in actuality, she'd already been offered multiple full ride scholarships to schools like Yale, Dartmouth, and Princeton. She held the 4th highest spot in their class academically, and she was head of the schools fashion column in the newspaper. But she never boasted about her accomplishments. In fact she always seemed to talk herself down so that nobody would suspect her sucesses.

Then there was Carter. You're absolute, complete and total pothead. There wasn't much to Carter. He was a cool, laid back kid with a cute smile and a slightly grungy style. He had mediocre grades, and slept in most of his classes. But when he participated in track, he was the fastest kid around. Only reason he couldn't participate this year, was because he'd been caught with weed over the summer and was on a years probation. Which left him more time to sleep and eat.

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