"Ha! Gay!" the boys yelled. technically they were correct but that wasn't the point. i had been treated like crap the whole year and i had attempted suicide three times. my parents were getting sick of my reckless behaviour and I was getting sick of my life. I was a sixteen year old boy, what did they expect! okay fine, maybe I did some things that normal boys wouldn't have done but that wasn't my point, my point was that everyone did things without thinking about consequences. the only difference was that I did that a lot more than most people. the boys continued to chant words such as faggot and gay. i wasn't ashamed of my sexuality and I think that was what drove these boys mad. "Your such a faggot" one boy said as another came in to punch me "just admit you wanna fuck me!" I replied as my best friend Hannah came running up to me "Danny! What the hell have you gotten yourself into!" she yelled at me when the boys put m down and walked away. "Me why do you think it was me?!?!" I asked her but somehow already knowing her reply. "Because most of the time it is you!" she said as she brushed the gravel from my shoulders. I guess she was correct. a lot of the time I was the one to cause the fights by saying a smart ass comment. but then again that was just me. Danny Weris. I was raised in Britain but moved to the USA when I was 9. I still had the accent, which made girls like me more. but then again, I was gay so that didn't really help. I met Hannah when we were 11 and she had a crush on me. we became good friends because I didn't have any and when I was twelve we kissed once. I still teased her for liking me and she goes red. she was an outcast much like me in high school. we have never been popular. we were the scene kids that smoked at the back of the school. she had purple hair with black coon tails and I had black hair with a red stripe going through my side fringe. we were inseparable and because my parents knew about my sexuality, we were allowed to stay at each others houses over night. I had never had a proper boyfriend or girlfriend and the only thing close was whatever it was that me and Hannah had when we were 14. Hannah was dating a guy that didn't go to our crap hole of a school. Hannah and I talked to a lot of people over the internet and other than her, my only other friend was a boy who lived in another state to me named James. me and James didn't talk much anymore. like most days me and Hannah were skipping maths class at the back of the school. we were talking when she started saying "ooh" like she just remembered something important. "Garrett is having a party and he said that you could come if you wanted!" she said really fast as though the thought would fade from her mind any second. I wasn't to keen on party's especially when they were being held by my best friends boy friend. I agreed to go anyway. Hannah told me the details and I said I would try my best to be there. it was tonight at 9:30 and it was being held at a street around the corner from my house. I wasn't all for people, but getting drunk, naked and having sex with boys I had never met seemed to be my thing.