Chapter 6

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Deals with the devil


Lilith fell asleep the moment we hit her bed. I looked over her and saw Lucifer's mark on her neck and scowl. He's put a claim on my woman. I grind my teeth, this wasn't going to go well. Maybe he will forget about her. I look down at her and shake my head, she's beautiful and remember what she did to you, the same might happen to Lucifer. I smile thinking of Lucifer not being able to get his release, it would serve him right the asshole. I leave her a go back to hell to confront him. "Hey Lucifer, why did you mark her," I growl walking straight up to his face. He shakes his head and chuckles, giving me a side glance. "She marked me first, several times I might add, I only returned the favor," he smirks. Well fuck me. I shake my head and sit, covering my face with my hands. I sigh and look up at him. "Have any problems with um, getting off," I mumble. "Haven't tried, pretty drained after Lilith, she is a succubus after all," he chuckles and pats my shoulder. "She's magnificent and I hope you'll bring her back here, this is where she should be," he smirks, his eyes glowing. I scowl at him knowing he has other reasons for wanting Lilith back in hell. "Why do you want her here Lucifer, be truthful to me," I mumble with a scowl. Lucifer shrugs his shoulders and sighs. "I enjoyed our time together, she's different then the others, you've felt it yourself," he sighs. I nod my head in agreement. "Lilith is passionate, a frightening thing for a succubus," I growl. "Yes, very," Lucifer sighs and sits next to me, lost in thought. "I should return to her," I mumble. "Yes, keep an eye on my little demon," he smirks. I nod and hold my amulet appearing in Lilith's bedroom. She's not in bed, so I wander through her home in search of her. I find her in the kitchen making coffee. She's wearing a stocking hat and loose dress with sweatpants that are bulging in the rear from her tail. "What's up with what you're wearing," I chuckle. "I'm trying to hide my horns and tail," she frowns. "It's the middle of summer, I think you'll stick out more with the stocking hat and it looks like you took a massive shit in your pants" I laugh. Lilith growls and rips the hat off her head and pulls off the sweatpants. I keep laughing at her. I go to her and wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. "I don't belong here anymore," she sighs. "The coven won't accept me like this and I sure can't blend in with society," she growls holding her tail in her hand. "How did you hide your appearance," she asks me. I pull the chain from my neck and show her my amulet. Her brow raises and she looks it over. "Where can I get one," she grins. "Lucifer is the only one who gives these to his demons," I mumble. "So I can ask him for one," she smiles. I hate that she's excited about asking Lucifer for anything I growl but nod my head. I look up and she's vanished. I roll my eyes and growl heading to hell to chase after her. I appear in a dark hallway and I can't move. Lucifer placed wards around me. "Fuck you Lucifer," I growl my voice echoing down the empty hall.

Lilith and Lucifer

I appeared in hell and Lucifer was standing before me grinning. "Back so soon Lilith," he smirks. I smile up at him. "I want my own amulet," I grin. He nods his head and looks down at me, his eyes glowing. "I might be persuaded if you offered me something in return," he smirks. "Okay," I mumble. He walks up to me and his wings wrap around us. We appear in his room again. I smirk he wants more sex, he's insatiable I chuckle. "No I don't want that right this moment," he smirks glancing at me. "Forgotten already I can read your mind silly woman," he grins running his fingers down the side of my face. I swallowed hard looking into his heated eyes. He is so alluring and damn sexy I sigh. He's grinning reading my thoughts. "I want to know why you felt the need to mark me Lilith, it's not something that happens a lot in this realm and never to me," he smirks. "My heart made me do it," I mumbled, turning a shade of pink as I looked up into his eyes. "Your heart made you mark me seven times," he chuckles wrapping his arms around me. "Your amazing Lilith," he grins and kisses me.

We had sex again but this time it was different, Lucifer didn't stop looking into my eyes and he moved slowly, my heart was thrumming in my chest and when we both climaxed, I swear we both had tears in our eyes. He wrapped his arms around me as we lay on our sides. That's when I felt it, a rhythmic beat on my back. Lucifer's heart was beating in his chest. Oh fuck I just caused the Devil's heart to beat. I heard him chuckle behind me. "Yes Lilith, you restarted my cold dead heart," he sighs and bites my neck hard causing me to orgasm without him inside me. I calmed myself and turned to face him. He watches me with a grin on his lips. "Why'd you do that," I grin. He sighs and sits up pulling me to his lap. "I'm claiming you as my own Lilith, you'll be my queen here," he smiles and kisses my nose. "What about Xazel," I mumble. Lucifer frowns and flicks his wrist. "He's been sent elsewhere," he smirks, he won't bother you. That upset me, I didn't mind the demon. "I wish you wouldn't do that, I like Xazel," I mumble. Lucifer frowned down at me. "Do you love him," he growls. I laughed and shook my head. "No but I enjoy his friendship." He raised a dark brow assessing me. "I will release him, but do know I'm very possessive of what is mine Lilith and I despise betrayal," he growls low at me. I smile and kiss his frown. "I have feelings for you too," I grin. His eyes light up and he chuckles squeezing me. "Can I have an amulet," I ask. "Don't you want to stay here with me," he frowns. I glance at him and look at his sexy face, black blue tinted ruffled hair and long black shiny horns. "I'll stay here if I'm allowed to explore, I don't think I'd be happy locked up in here," I mumble looking around the bedroom. "What if I stay locked in here with you," he smirks. He starts to chuckle loudly after reading my thoughts. "Of course you're able to explore love, I'll even show you around," he smiles and winks at me. We get out of bed and he takes my hand in his. He twirls his finger and dresses me in a red satin gown. I looked down at myself grinning, I moved my leg showing the slit up the side. I glance at him and he's dressed in a black suit. I grin at him. "You look very nice." He looks me up and down and whistles. "Sometimes I impress myself, your stunning Lilith," he grins. His mark was exposed on my neck, clear for anyone to see. I glance up at Lucifer as he squeezes my hand. He's smiling and very happy. I smile back at him, my heart bursting in my chest. He walked me through his home. I was surprised at the luxurious interior, it was very modern and sparsely furnished, but very tasteful. He walked towards a large glass window that covered the entire side of his place to show me the view. I was amazed. It was exactly as one would expect. There were dark, black billowing clouds hanging low in a red tinted sky. Bolts of lightening flashed aggressively across the darkness. The ground reminded me of lava rock, some was shiny and smooth like black glass. Some areas there were open pits of blazing fires. "It's not photogenic but it's home and all mine," he smirks. I could see lots of different looking demons mingling around. I felt a kinship with them and grinned. 

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