Alone Time?

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*~*My POV*~*

The two kept running, finally making into the actual town, they took a break before continuing to Mira's shop. " Mira-nee!! Mira-nee!! Are you in there?! " Lisanna asked. But she wasn't. " She probably went out looking for me " Lisanna sighed. " My feet hurt... let's just stay and rest here " Lucy said, sitting on the bench. " Yeah... " Lisanna agreed sitting next to her. They were barefoot after all.

~A Few Minutes Later~

" We searched all over for them... " Mira sighed, walking down the street. " Luce! Where are you?! " Natsu called. " Natsu!! " Lucy said, running up to him. " Mira-nee!! Elf-nii!! " Lisanna said, running up to her sibling. Natsu hugged her tightly. " Don't scare me like that Luce! " He said. " It's okay! I'm okay! " She said happily. " Lisanna!! Are you hurt?! Did she hurt you?! " Mira asked.
" No! I'm fine.. well kinda I guess... my feet hurt " She said. " C'mon. Let's go home now " Elfman said, carrying her on his neck, Natsu carrying Lucy bridal style.

~With Natsu and Lucy~

Lucy cleaned and wrapped her foot. It was a bit cut up, but only small. Natsu comes into the room, and hugs her tightly. " What's this for? " She asked. " I'm sorry I didn't come in time " He said. " It's okay. I'm smart enough to get out of situations because I watched a lot of crime shows. " She said. " Plus I use to play 'save the princess' with my older brother. But sometimes my dad would send him to go do work in the middle of the game and I had to figure out how to get out by myself. So I was more or less prepared for the real thing when I was little " She said. " Your a weirdo Luce " Natsu chuckled.

~The next Day~

" So, Lucy your dating Natsu right? " A girl with brown hair, that seemed a little drunk, asked her. " Yeah. " She answered. " Nice to meet ya. I'm Cana, a close friend of him. " She said. " It's nice to meet you " She said. " So what do you two do in your alone time? " She asked with a smirk. " I dunno. We're not alone together all that much so I couldn't say. The last time I was helping him out after he got into a fight " She shrugged. " He does tend to get into a lot of fights " Cana said, before drinking some more liquor. " Are you sure you should be drinking now? " She asked.

" This is nothin! I can drink anyone under the table " She chuckled. " I'm not sure that's the problem... " Lucy sweat dropped. Suddenly the two girls were pushed apart. Natsu wrapped his arm around Lucy's shoulder, pushing Cana's face away. " What are you asking her Cana? " He said, narrowing his eyes. " Aw man! I guess the parties over. But hey, I got a new friend out of it so everything's cool. See ya Lucy! And Natsu! " She waved before walking off. " Tch...! What'd she say to you? " He asked. " She asked me what we do in our alone time. But we're never really alone so I didn't have an answer " She shrugged.

" I know. It's so annoying " He pouts. " Well except for that one time at the springs. But nothing happened then cause you kept running away from me " He sighed. " What do you mean 'nothing happened'? " She asked.
" Jeez! Your really naive huh Luce? " He asked. " I'm way more mature than you idiot " She scoffed. Suddenly he grabbed her waist, tilting her chin up with his hand. " In some things. Yes. But in others your completely clueless " He smirked. Her face turned beet red. " Wh-whatever... " She stuttered.


Lucy suddenly woke up, it was 1 AM. She just felt hungry. She checked, and didn't feel like cooking anything but ran out of snacks. There were brownies, but her brother made those and she didn't trust it. " I guess I can buy a snack from the store " She sighed. She changed into some leggings, a white t-shirt, black converses and a black hoodie. Her hair was tied into a messy bun. She went out to the store and bought a few party size bags of chips and different packs of cookies. She hums quietly, walking back.

" Yo~ what're you doin' all alone out here this late sweetie? " A man asked. He was stumbling and his words slurred. It was quite obvious he was drunk. Lucy grimaced, before walking past him. " Where*hic* ya goin' babe?*burp* " He said, grabbing her wrist. She tried to pull away, but he was quite strong even in his intoxicated state. He pinned her against the wall. " Lemme, play with you a bit~ " He chuckled. " Stop! L-let me go! " She said, before punching him in the gut and running off. " Damn! Get back here stupid bitch! " He said, coming after her.

She kept running. When she turned the corner someone grabbed her, covering her mouth. " Mmmm!!! " She said struggling, but couldn't get out. " Relax it's just me Luce " His voice said. She calmed down. " What happened. Who are you running from? " He asked. " This random drunk guy. Don't worry about it. Anyways, what are you doing out so late? " She asked. " I was going to go see my uncle because I was bored, but he wasn't answering " He shrugged. " Who would answer someone who comes at 12 in the morning? " She asked.

" Whatever. So what were you doing out so late? " He asked. " I went to the store to get a snack " She said holding up the bag. " I'll walk you home so you don't run into any more problems " He said. " Okay " She shrugged. When she get there, she'd lost her key. " Ugh! Dammit! " She said annoyed. " You could stay at my house " He shrugged. She didn't have much of an option. " ...fine " She shrugged. She was to tired to think of an excuse of way to get into her house. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him, before they headed off to his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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