New Life

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  It has been hours and Von has not even called me. My anxiety starts acting up. My mind is making up all these scenarios. "What if he is dead?", the main thing roaming around. Pacing back and forth, the phone goes off. "Von are you okay where are you", "No, that's what happens when you mess with one of mine". "I will find you!",I scream at the phone. All I felt were tears sliding down my face. I hear nothing, I see nothing. I dropped the phone and ran.

A Year Before 

"I got beat again" saying to myself as the guards led me to the cell. We arrived at my cell. "Don't I get one phone call". The guards looked at each other. "Only if we make a deal," Guard one said. I chuckle "What's the favor?", :If you do stay alive we all know you're going to take over this prison and we want in", "Deal". They escort me to the phone. I dial the number.

*Phone goes off* "Moore", "This a collect call from.. Cruz, to accept this call press 7 now to deny and block this call press 4". *Botton is dialed*. "Looks like you did not finish the job huh Cruz?", "I would have if you daughter would of minded her business I would of killed him Paul". "Don't put my daughter in any of this, you were the one that said she would have turned him in". "You need to do it for me now I'm in here and i don't know what might happen", "What makes you think I would help you?". I laugh , "You know why? Because your daughter is a criminal she killed Jada", "How are you talking without proof". "All the proof I need is on the way".

Silence took over the room. "If something happens to my daughter I will come back for your brother". Jesus laughs hysterically, "You don't have the guts, I mean you could have fought harder for your kid but you did not". "Listen, I would have been in there with you if I stayed or maybe even with Day. I was not risking it as long as you kept your word on keeping my daughter safe but yet you tried to pin in on her. Like you tried to do me, but instead it came back at you". Jesus bites his lip in anger, "Okay but when I deliver your daughter to you in a bodybag don't say I didn't try, even if I do die. You personally know I have my ways." He hangs up the phone.

When we finally arrived at our hotel, we grabbed our bags . "Baby we do need to talk about something" I say while laying the bag on the bed. "Wassup baby". Von says while he locks the door behind us. Von puts the rest of the luggage in the closet. "It's been a crazy couple weeks" I said while unpacking our small bag. As I am unpacking the hygiene products, I feel Vons arms gently wrapping upon me. I instantly break down". Von turns me over and holds me tight,"We good baby we are at peace. I know it's been hard for you and I am sorry that I put you through all this". I wrap my arms around him, "I thought it was over, it's been so stressful", I continue to sob.

"Von I lost a baby during this whole thing". Von breaks the hug, he grabs Le face gently. He stares into her eyes,"What? We-". He gets stuck, "I am so sorry baby forreal I.. I put you through this, Living this lifestyle is all I know, You've been riding for me since Day 1. You took care of me so now it's time for me to take care of you".

We continue hugging "It's us against the world". We kiss, he kisses my forehead and hugs me again. Holding him, I feel nothing but peace. But I know its not over. I Killed Jada. I Fouled played, I did my dirt to have the love of my life with me. Maybe I am corrupt but wouldn't you?.

Back In The Prison

The guards escort Jesus to his cell. He turns to see the bar close in front of him. The guards walk off, Gasp. You can hear Jesus struggling to breathe. The knife went deeper into his body. "You did me so dirty, this is what I have been waiting for, for years". The thump as his body drops. Jones continues to stab him. He washes his hands as the guards open the bar and close it again.

"This is a pre-paid call from "B" to accept this call press seven now. *Press Key*", "Just wanted to give you a heads up on the situation, we are all good over here", "Okay, We will talk about business soon". She hangs up.

I hang up the phone, look back to see Von still sleeping. I walk to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. "This is my new life now, Let's make the best out of it". I dial the phone number, "Hey Sophia, that's done, now what do we have to do next?". "Leave the rest to me I'll put in the court order saying everything went successful with the chair, you and Bennett enjoy yourselves", "I can't sleep my conscious is eating me up", "She got what she deserved Le' you did the right thing", "Yeah but how am I suppose to tell Von that I actually did what i did", "I mean you did it for him and he has done worse than you but I will call you next week with more information or if anything happens", "Okay bye". I hung up the phone with Sophia.

Sophia has been my friend since freshman year in college. She is the judge that took in Vons case. She is covering me up with this whole Jada mess. I don't think I have the guts to tell Von. I walk towards the bed. "I need to rest".

I lay down and close my eyes. As soon as I do I can just see her face when the gun goes off. It's like I am there while I'm already there. I see myself pushing her off of me. Glocking the gun and shooting her again in the chest this time. I walked outside because I already knew what I was doing next. I drag her body to my car. I rush back into the house and clean up the blood. To avoid forensics, I cut my arm, dripping my own blood where her blood was.

I drove up to the graveyard. Park right next to Danny's fresh grave. "I am so sorry Danny but I have to do this". I start undigging, the shovel hits his casket. I struggle to pull it out. I managed it well. I dug a couple more feet down and kicked her body inside of the hole. Put the dirt to cover her up well, I gently put Danny's casket back in place. I beat the dirt with the shovel to make it even. "What have I done", I say while I break down, falling to my knees. But I picked myself up. Wipe the tears away, hopped back in my car and left.

Looking at myself from a different point of view. How can I be so careless. Why was I not thinking straight. I could have done something different instead of killing her. I let frustration get the best of me and now I must remain low. I will be looked at as a monster but I was projecting my own people.

I should really not think about it. Cause I did not get caught before, I was a cop though. I still got my game and many people playing it. This is what happens when you bark up the wrong tree. Now my my mind is on the 'Fight or Flight'. Traumatized 

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