⁰⁹twenty questions with satan's other spawn

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chapter nine 」
❝ teenage hormones: a truly wonderful thing


ARIES SIGHED TIREDLY AS SHE CLUTCHED THE PIECE of binder paper in her hand. Briar had scrawled on questions she needed Aries to ask Derek for her. Slamming her locker shut, Aries swung her backpack over her shoulder and locked her locker before making her way to find Derek.

After walking around a few places, she found him in the first place she probably should've looked. He was sitting at a picnic table and Shane—the blond girl from the other day—was sitting across from him.

His feet were propped up on the actual table and his upper body was leaning on the table, his body taking up the whole side of the table.

With a sigh, she walked over to the table, immediately catching their attention as her shadow had cast clearly onto the table.

"I need to talk to you," she said to Derek.

"Then talk," said Shane in a rude tone, complete with an eye roll.


Shane only scoffed lightly with disdain whereas Derek raised his eyebrows.

"Intriguing," said Derek.

"It won't take that long," Aries said, turning to Shane.

Shane huffed a sigh before grabbing her stuff, standing up, and leaving, but not before muttering a "good luck" to Derek that Aries almost missed.

The two girls smiled sarcastically at each other before Aries sat down with a sigh.

"What a surprising twist of events," Derek said.

Aries narrowed her eyes in confusion. "What are you talking about? Also, stop talking like you're in a play."

"Yeah, okay," he said with a playful scoff. "I just meant since, you know, recently I've been the one approaching you because you wouldn't talk to me otherwise. Now you're approaching me—a surprising twist of events."

"I approached you the last time we talked."

"That's because I got into a fight; what's this about then?" he asked, pointing in between the two of them.

"I'm doing a favor for a friend," Aries said. "Plus, I wasn't avoiding you or anything, I just never knew where to find you because ... well, you're you."

He let out a breath of humor and looked down at the table, tracing his finger along the wood patterns on the table. "Wow, you really know how to flatter a guy."

"Seriously though."

"I am the most serious."

"I just need you to answer a few questions," she said, slapping the binder paper down on the table.

"What is this?" he asked with a snort, pulling the paper out from underneath her fingers and reading the questions written in Briar's chicken scrawl.

She scoffed and reached out to grab the paper back before he leaned away. "That's not—" Aries huffed out a breath and looked at him with a bored expression.

"What kind of questions are these?" Derek asked with an amused look. "Oh, are these supposed to be for the English project?"


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