"Your eyes are aiming for me"
-SECRET NUMBER "got that boom"
——————————————————————————————————————————————————Today's the day.
The light is not far away, I can feel it, taste it. It's finally Friday, and everyone is on edge.
One mistake, and my entire plan falls into pieces. It can't fall, I need to become Queen, I need to beat Dorian. If I don't we are all doomed to continue in this spiral of hell until every last student is either dead, arrested or hospitalized. I made a promise to every single person that has decided to support me, that I would succeed.
I promised that one day I would be the one to beat Dorian, to beat the whole system. Because this is not just about him, it's about everyone, both future students and present students. If I become Queen, I can put an end to everyone's misery and to all of these stupid rules. This is a very important day, almost too important.
Dorian is supposed to arrive at exactly 12:00 o clock, according to his friend. Yes, snitch friend.
When he does arrive, everyone else will already be bent to my will, either by force or willingly. Especially the force that I use tastes of blood in my mouth. It's the taste of victory, but I can't celebrate quite yet. No, first everything has to fall into place, nobody can fail me with this.
Jake needs to sneak inside, Dorians snitch needs to be truthful and punctual, my friends and Allan need to be there to keep Dorians minions off, and finally, I have to fight Dorian.
"Evelyn, snitch said that Dorian is just a few minutes away"
Lele whispers in my ear.
The entire school has already gathered in the lunchroom. The lunchroom is the biggest space that we have, so during every Bloodweek all of the tables are cleared to make room for the final fight. That's when those who want to become king fight for the final victory, and in my case, when the king takes on any challengers.
Now, no student would have showed up if it weren't for Lele and some others spreading the news that I would be challenging Dorian. Nobody thought that it was possible, he is too powerful and terrifying.
But Dorian lost to Jake, he showed weakness, and lost his position. Now more than ever, the students are questioning his abilities and strength. People are confused, because the only way for him to become king again is to beat Jake.
It's clear what they are expecting. First they know I will challenge Dorian, but they also know that Jake has to show up at some point. Dorian must have challenged him, right? Right? No, no he hasn't. And that's the scary part. I don't know what Dorian is really planning, and that could be very bad for everyone.
"Two minutes"
Lele whispers, and my friends shuffle around outside the cafeteria. Before Dorian shows up I need to make an entrance to the fighting arena. I need to tell them what's going on before he comes.
"Alright, everyone places! Let's go!"
Two people push the doors open, and the whole crowd grows silent. They stare at me, at us, with hawk eyes, scanning our chances at beating Dorian.
The fighting arena is in the middle of the lunchroom. It's a pretty big round space, surrounded my neatly placed chairs as edges. The crowd stands nervously behind the chairs, waiting for the first person to announce their challenge.
I walk up to the circle, and push past the chairs. The crowd gasps and nobody dares to make a sound. I turn to look at them.
"Students, friends! I am the first challenger for this position!"
Mess with me, Mess with you (boyxboy)
Romance"No matter what or when, I will never compare to a guy like him" What happens when Allan Wood gets caught kissing a boy in blood row highs school bathroom? He runs, and ends up in the territory of Jake Chess, the king of Lake view high. Between unex...