I've Changed

49 4 1

There I see you from afar,

all eyes on you with a smile.

My affection and passion were all on you,

nothing left for my frightened self

Lonely, I was, no one to be with,

but joy was still within me. 

My appreciation and loyalty to you were obscured

for I was scared to fall in that so called magic.

Am I mad? Why do I feel this strong liking towards you?

I do not believe in fairy tales,

they're just follies, make-believe...

But yet I fall into that unfailing... love.

I don't regret this feeling I have for you,

it's just so sudden, but I feel merry when with you.

The smiles I show are not like before.

They're real and true just because of you.

You're my world when I'm with you.

You are not vain, if that's what you think.

You're special and unique. Well, for me.

You try to make everyone laugh or smile and I find that sweet. 

I've ChangedWhere stories live. Discover now