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Art by: PupTheArtist


*Ding Ding Ding*

Goldy POV


I look over to my left to see my phone going off. I reach over and turn it off.

*sigh* I sit up and rub my eyes. I wait a little bit before getting out of bed. I go to my closet and pick out my usual outfit.

I head to the bathroom to brush me teeth, wash my face, and take a shower. After I finished I I grabbed my towel and dried off I held my towel around my upper and waist, I head to my room and get dressed. I put all the necessary items for school in my backpack, and head to the kitchen for breakfast. As I walk down the stairs from my room I hear a voice from behind, I couldn't really make out what they said but I think I heard the word Potion I quickly turn around to see no one there. I shrug it off and enter the kitchen to see my dad getting ready to leave before I could say anything he tells me good morning I reply with morning, and go to the snack cabinet to grab a strawberry poptart. As my dad gets to the door he wishes me a good day and leaves the house before I could tell him the same. I sigh and look at my phone. School starts in 20 minutes. I get up and exit my house I lock the door behind me and head to the Academy.

Skip to when Goldy gets there

I arrive at the school with 11 minutes until class starts I enter the building and say hello to Glen(I don't remember her name). I walk into the lounge area and say hello to everyone. I look around and I don't see Tina I was about to ask Cookie when Tina came rushing in with a load of paperwork. She starts sorting all the paperwork into everyone's cubbies. I walk over to her and say hello, she quickly says hi to me and she continues sorting the paperwork. I sit there confused on why she's sorting paperwork. I ask her if she needs any help. She hesitates then tells me no thank you. I said ok and thought about it.... wait, isn't Ryan supposed to be helping you? I ask her. She says yes. I look around and say. Ryan isn't here yet. She glances at me and states in a aggressive tone "I know".

I think about it then tell her that I could help her. Once again she tells me no. I then start to annoy her thinking. Well if you won't let me help you then I won't let you get anything done.

After about 3 minutes of annoying Tina. She turns to me and says in a stern voice. If I let you help me will you leave me alone!?! I say yes. She sighs and tells me to pass out flyers. I take the flyers from her and start walking away. I read the flyer and written on it was.

You are here by invited to a slumber party hosted by Ryan & TinaTheTiger. This is a optional event there will be snacks, drinks and lots more!

The party starts at 5pm after school friday we can't wait to see you there until then have a good day. 

I giggled at the flyer

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I giggled at the flyer. Tina definitely rushed this. I said to myself. 

I finished passing out the flyers with four more left, for me Tina, Ryan, and Unicorn. I checked my phone it read 7:58AM. Hmm Ryan's definitely gonna be late. A couple seconds later a heard a motorcycle. As soon as I heard it I assumed it was Ryan. A few seconds later Ryan came riding into the lounge area with his motorcycle. He said Hi to everyone, well everyone except for Tina, and Unicorn. I went over to him and gave him the flyer while he looked at it I told him Tina's most likely upset with you. He looked up at me with a confused look on his face and asked why? I pointed at the cubbies. He was still confused. I sighed and said. She did YOUR paperwork, sorted them, made these flyers, AND she's setting up the party by herself. I stated with a serious look on my face.

Ryan POV

She did YOUR paperwork, sorted them, made these flyers, AND she's setting up the party by herself. Goldy stated with a serious look on her face. I chuckled a little and said. I know, I know, i'm not being helpful. How about this i'll help Tina with anything else that needs to be done this week. Goldy looked like she was getting mad a bit and told me. Ryan your the president! Tina is vice president. Your supposed to be setting a example not-. Goldy had cut herself off and started to giggle, I responded with. HA! I knew you couldn't act serious for long! Shut up! Goldy said starting to laugh harder, she then told me. You better do your work like your supposed to or i'll-. You'll what?. I asked her. Uhh i'll...  uhhhh, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Goldy yelled. Besides Tina's YOUR girlfriend you should be helping her anyway! Goldy said trying to stop laughing. Alright Alright. Now we should-


Ugh the bell. UgH THe BeLl. Goldy mocked me. HEY! I yelled. What? you sound like that. NO I DON'T. I yelled at her. Oh yea? Goldy responded. YEA-. I began to say when Tina yelled out my name. RYAN! Oh god... I said to myself. Goldy Laughed at me. Yea RyAn go to your Girlfriend. Goldy said doing her best to annoy me. Whatever. I said getting mad. I ran over to Tina, and we walked to class.


Ryan ran over to Tina and they walked off. I headed to my class.

Skip to lunch 

I entered the lunch room. Ugh i'm starving. I said to myself. I went to get my lunch. I got a foot long sandwich, and chocolate milk. I went to sit at the usual table me Ryan, and Tina sit at. Unicorn some times comes to sit with us but he's usually busy in his office. I sat down waiting for Tina & Ryan. I couple minutes later I watched  Nova come in and sit down next to Drew. I looked around the cafeteria everyone was here except. Tina, Ryan & Tony. Which I thought was weird since Tony is always with Kat.

After Lunch


Huh, I said to myself. Ryan and Tina didn't come. I waited for everyone to leave before I got up to go to my next class. I was walking through the hall when I heard someone squeal. It was coming from the Science room. I assumed it was Ms.Olive since she's the science teacher but then I heard the squeal again and heard someone say "p-please stop". I was getting concerned. I went over to the science room peeking in but staying out of sight. My eyes widened as I saw Kat and Nova in the room. Kat was against the wall and Nova pinned her there. I didn't interfere I wanted to know what he was doing. Oh shut up. Nova said. Your not leaving until I get what I want. Nova said sounding mad. W-what do y-you w-want? Kat asked. I want you to get me Unicorn Mann's new experiment. He said impatiently. W-what? b-but it's hasn't b-been tested y-yet. Kat cried. I DON'T CARE! Nova yelled. Get. me. the. Potion. NOW. Nova yelled getting angrier. I thought to my self. This is going to far I need to do something. I ran in the room and yelled for Nova to let her go. Eh? Why should I? Nova asked with a smirk on his face. Because i'll get Unicorn on you! I said quickly. Oh is that so? What are you to weak to fight for yourself so you need Unicorn?! He said to me in a stern voice. HA! Pathetic! He laughed. I got a running start and ran into him which cut him off. We stumbled to the floor. Agh! He yelled out. Why you- Nova started before I yelled for Kat to run. Kat had ran out of the room I watched her leave and when I turned back to Nova I was greeted with a punch to my face. I fell back, and slowly stood up. Nova tried to punch me again but I dogged his attack and kicked him in the stomach. We were staring at each other. When I heard someone in the hall I turned around and shortly after saw Unicorn and Kat rush in the room. I was about to talk when I felt something or someone hit the back of my head and I started losing conscience . I was only able to hear someone I assumed Unicorn call out my name, before I lost full conscience.

To be continued.

Thank you for reading. I don't feel like writing anymore so have a blessed day. BYE!

btw(In the story Kat was you know Tony's girlfriend, Tina's friend I just realized our names are the same) 


Written: 11/11/2020

Edited:11/12 /2020

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