Chapter 5- Historia

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A/N: Song inspired for this chapter: Say Something by A Great Big World and Christina Aquilera. This one was sad to write as I almost didn't want to post, but it was cute. I love Baby Abigail. Abigail means "My father's joy" in Hebrew. Another ironic name choice (just like Tilly's) as it was the first one that popped into my head, based on a nursery rhyme I tried to write as a kid called Baby Abigail 😂

Levi didn't return until sundown after I introduced him to Baby Abigail for the first time, and seriously... what the hell is wrong with him? You would think I had handed him a live grenade, not a human baby!

And poor Abigail has been traumatised ever since. It's like she picks up on his negative energy, screaming bloody murder whenever he enters the room, and the feeling's mutual. The moment that baby girl releases a loud, ear-piercing shriek, humanity's so-called strongest will run for the hills on his silver-white horse, disappearing for an entire day.

He's such a baby, and at times it feels as if I have two babies to look after now. Abigail won't be at the orphanage for very long. Babies are always adopted first, especially as she's at that adorable age where she's just started crawling around the floor, and she's so precious.

And it just makes my uterus cry out for one of my own. She brings out the mother in me, and I can't get enough of her.

She has a smile for everyone; the nannies, the children, the farmhands, and most of all, me.

The only one she doesn't smile for is Levi, which is perfectly understandable. He's being such a rotten asshole lately, and one of these days, I will have to pin him down to the floor and set him straight.

The only other one who doesn't like her is Erwin, but he's a cat, and cats hate everyone. Lady is a little suspicious of her too, but the sweet pup will stand guard and watch the baby if I need to go and make a quick errand upstairs.

I'm not the sole caregiver at the orphanage. It would be unrealistic for a single eighteen-year-old girl to run an entire establishment all by herself, which was the reason why I hired the nannies. But truth be told, I just want Baby Abigail all to myself.

I hope the other children don't get jealous. I'm playing favourites, and I should stop, but it will be good practice to see if I actually have what it takes.

I know I will make a fantastic mother, but it's hard not to doubt myself at times considering I didn't have the best example growing up. But I have a big heart with so much love to give.

The children play outside with Lady while I read at the kitchen table. Abigail rolls around on the floor, chewing on a wooden spoon, and it looks like someone's teething.

Right now she's making the most adorable baby sounds, and that's when I decide to toss the book aside and play with her instead.

Picking her up, I place her on my lap so I can bounce her on my knee. Luckily for me, she doesn't spit-up on me this time as I learned that the hard way.

Instead, she coos and babbles as I pull funny faces, and she makes me feel like the funniest person inside the walls.

Next, I take her dimpled little hands in mine, place them over my eyes, then shout, "Peekaboo!" She squeals like I'm the world's best comedian, and I just can't help myself anymore.

I laugh along with her, and she makes me feel so good and light inside. All the heaviness and anxiety that has festered over the last few years dissolves instantly, and I can't believe how pure she is. And I know it with a certainty now: I want a baby of my own.

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