Chapter 2 - Levi

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AN: Song inspired for this chapter: Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. I can just see Levi singing this to Historia, or at least wishing he could since he bottles up all his emotions. Also, this chapter will contain some juicy lemon (you've been warned). And remember the song by T-Spoon Sex on the Beach? And no... I don't mean the cocktail. That song applies here too 😂

Someone shakes me awake the very next morning, and now I peer up groggily into a massive pair of luminous blue eyes.

Historia's face looms into view, and I grip the hilt of my sword, springing into action. As an Ackerman, I'm wired like an electrified cat. My senses are highly sharp, especially during sleep. Sounds and smells become so much stronger.

Historia steps back, raising her hands in alarm. "Whoa, whoa, steady, Levi, it's okay. We're still at HQ at the port. We spent the night, remember? We had a delicious meal with the Volunteers...?"

I blink up at her a few times, trying to get my bearings until it finally comes crashing back. Of course. We're at the port. I remember now...

"Right. Sure..."

I slip my sword back into its sheath as an eerie silence falls over the room. A seagull cries outside, telling me that we are, indeed, still by the sea, and now I rub my weary eyes as my rough night finally catches up with me.

Why the hell has she woke me up so early? It's still dark outside as I throw the young queen a scathing look.

She folds her arms across her chest, raising a brow at me in challenge, and I mutter a"tch".

Screw this shit. I need ten cups of black tea before I can feel like a real human again. Plus, I slept with my back pressed against the world's most uncomfortable chair while Historia took the queen-sized bed, sleeping like a baby all night.

"Levi... get up. You promised."

I groan, running a hand through my messy hair. "Promised what?"

"That we could go and see the sunrise together. After all... it will be my very first..."

I remove my hand from my bedhead, looking up at her in disbelief. Historia has the sparkling eyes of a little child as she casts her gaze longingly out the window, and at times she really reminds me of Armin.

I'm convinced those two were separated at birth. Armin even masqueraded as Historia and got away with it while we were trying to usurp the government. Well, until that old perv felt him up at the warehouse, discovering that he had no breasts.

Poor kid. I still need to apologise to him about that one of these days.

A streak of pink breaks out across the sky. Historia gasps, taking my arm by surprise. "Come on, it's starting!"

She hauls my lazy ass out of the seat with surprising strength, and the next thing I know, we're running through the halls of HQ. No one else is up yet, but we do run into Onyankopon. He flattens his back against the wall, a look of surprise lighting up his whole face.

"Captain Levi? Your Majesty...? Where are you going?"

Historia looks back over her shoulder, a huge smile plastered across her face. "To see the sunrise!"

The Volunteer blinks at us for a few moments, and I don't blame him for looking so puzzled. Outsiders will never understand us Paradisians after all. Not truly.

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