Treasure hunting (for you)

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The sky is a pretty shade of light blue as Jungkook roams the beach with his metal detector in hands, scanning through patches of sand and gravel for anything of importance.

The sea breeze meets his skin and gently ruffles his hair. The strands are getting longer these days, almost reaching his chin, so occasionally he has to pull them back behind his ears, keep them from getting in the way while he looks down trying to discern if what he found is worth taking home or not.

He walks around, moving the metal detector from side to side and shuffling the grains of sand with his feet. The bright sun is shining above him, reflecting on the vast ocean in a white shimmer that forces him to look away if he stares at it for too long.

It's warm and Jungkook's dressed accordingly and comfortably in an oversized tank top and cargo shorts. He has a backpack on his back too, to keep a water bottle and hold his findings, when they do occur.

So far, he's only found some small change in the form of rusted coins and a handful of crooked wires, but that doesn't discourage him. It's been a childhood dream of his to treasure hunt like this, he enjoys the challenge and adventure aspects of it.

He's always been fascinated by the old beach treasure hunting videos he used to watch on cable TV when he was a kid.

The intro to them would start playing, some intense song that was disproportionate to the contents of the show, but worked well enough to give the viewers that excitement for what was to come. After an awkward pause in a blank screen, a muscular tanned man with blond hair would appear on the screen.

The voiceover for the episode would come with a few seconds of delay, which gave Jungkook the opportunity to rack his brain trying to make sense of the foreign words. When the Korean voice would finally catch up to what was being said, it'd present the beach that was being explored and what was supposed to be find buried in there.

The episodes never differed much from one another, but that didn't stop Jungkook from being hooked for next hour and a half, eyes completely transfixed on the old television screen and barely blinking.

Fast forward some years and now here he is, traveling through the beaches of Korea, mostly of Busan, where he currently lives, with an old metal detector he got from a thrift shop, hoping that he can find some old coins or trinkets that can earn him some good money. He even has some muscles of his own and a beautiful tanned skin too to complete the packet. The blond hair, on the other hand, was an easy pass; he's always preferred his natural dark brown color instead.

As he mindlessly continues to pace around the beach, his metal detector unexpectedly starts beeping. Not in the way it usually does, barely audible and with huge intervals between each beep—which truthfully only signals it's on and working properly—, this time it's so loud and constant he's afraid people will start looking at him as if he's grown another head.

Luckily, he's in a more isolated part of the beach, where people only pass by to get to the rock formations by the sea—and take trendy pictures to post on their feeds while there—, or to go to a couple of farther food stalls and get some drinks and fried seafood. What matters, though, is that no one's intently staring at him yet, too busy with their own activities to spare him more than a quick glance.

Treasure hunting (for you) | yoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now