Chapter six

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Gabriel point of veiw ~ "Iron Dragon Secret Art: Iron dragon shadow spear" I yelled out and a spear made of iron and covered in shadows appeared knocking down four trees with it "good job honey try and make the spear bigger then what it is right now when you launch it" mom said

"How do I do that" I asked confused "well when you put your magic power into it don't put it all at once. When you release the spear use your magic power to make it bigger as it gets close to its target if you want a big explosion and for it to hit more of the target" mom explained

"Okay I get it now" I said "so try it out" she said "Iron Dragon Secret Art: Iron dragon shadow spear" I yelled out and the spear appeared. The I released it once it got closer to the trees I made it bigger and made more trees go down "much better" mom said

"I wanna try something" I said to my mom "okay go ahead" she said "Iron Dragon Secret Art: Shadow dragon illusion spear" I said I said and released the same spear but this time as it got to the target it multiplied into more then one spear hitting more trees.

"That was amazing what was that" mom asked "a new secret Art I just thought of" I said "what does it do" mom asked "so its basically like my iron dragon secret Art iron dragon shadow spear. But instead of iron dragon I said shadow dragon illusion spear. So it's a big spear made up of shadows once it gets closer to its targets it multiplies into more then one" I explained

"Oh so basically your opponent won't see the multiple spears until it's too late hence the illusion part" mom said "yeah exactly" I said "that's amazing you came up with your own secret Art" Mom said

"I have some more that I want to test out" I said "well go ahead" mom said "Iron-Shadow Dragon Secret Art: Bow and Arrow" I said and a bow made of shadows appeared in my hands while I had iron arrows that were wrapped with shadows "so what does that do" mom asked "so the bow and is supposed to his my target dead on. But I haven't tested it yet so I don't know if it will work" I said

"That's the point of training honey to learn more about yourself and yo magic so try it" mom said "okay" I said and thought of where I wanted my arrows to go and then released them "so where did they go" mom asked "just wait" I said and a minute later my siblings and dad came with the arrows in their hands

"What is this and why does it reek of your scent" Gale growled holding the iron shadow arrow "it's a new secret Art your brother came up with he wanted to see if the arrows would hit the destination he thought of" mom explains to them

"So we were your test subjects" Emma asked "yeah basically" I said shrugging "try out your other secret arts then" mom said excitedly "other secret arts" Gemma asked "yeah I thought up some new secret arts to add to my Arsenal" I said

"Then show us brat" dad said "Iron Dragon Secret Art: Iron Shadow Clones" I said and multiple versions of me appeared "someone attack them"I said and Gale punched the one on his left his fist went through it then the clone punched him in the gut.

"Fuck why the hell couldn't I hit it" he growled holding his stomach "because these shadow clones are designed so people can't attack them but they would be able to attack people" I explained "that's actually pretty smart" Emma said

"So you wanna help me come up with new attacks also" Gemma asked "your smart do it yourself I still have two more attacks I want to try out" I said "fine then Solid Script dragon secret Art: water dragon roar" Gemma yelled out "iron bubble" I yelled and an iron bubble appeared around me

"That was so cool what was that" Emma yelled excitedly "I don't really know" Gemma said I took down the bubble "you just came up with your won secret Art" I said

"I wanna try Iron dragon secret Art: Blade dance" Emma yelled out and iron swords appeared all around her "I won't be showed up by you all Solid Script dragon secret art: Iron dragon" Gale yelled and an iron dragon appeared next to him

"Your all getting stronger by the day and we've only been training for a month. By the time we get back to the guild you would have come up with more secret arts" mom said "how much time do we have again for training" I asked "spark plug gave us eight months so seven more to go" dad said

"So we better get working then what's next" Emma asked "combat practice we spent the morning mediating and practicing magic so now we will do combat and endurance training" mom said "I don't get why we do that after should we do that in the morning and the magic practice in the afternoon" Gemma said

"I'm the trainer so what I say goes or do you want to run ten more laps on top of the fifty laps you already have to run"dad said "no" Gemma said "good so quit complaining about my training methods and get to running" dad said making all of us run.

This is going to be a long seven months. But I'm fine with it as long as I am able to protect my family and my friends. And I am able to protect Layla. And that I can make sure we get to see another tomorrow. I'll do whatever it takes so I can help my family, my friends, my guild and my girlfriend. They are what is most important to me. So I would go through my dads crazy training any dad.

End of chapter

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