Chapter nine

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Radian point of veiw ~ it's been eight months since I've seen the guild. The Redfox, Fullbuster, and Fernandez families went on training trips. The others went either on vacations training trips. Meaning they relaxed and did some training.

My family stayed back at the guild. For the first month my siblings, my mom and I did training while dad did some necessary work. During the second month he came and joined us for training.

We trained for six months straight seven days a week. We improved quite a lot. The last month we renovated the guild and trained also. The guild had changed a lot in the month we worked to fix it. The guild looks the same on the outside but inside it's extremely bigger.

It could hold more people so if the other guilds want to come for a party or a visit their will be space for them. Everything is destruction proof so we won't have to worry about things breaking. The stage is much bigger now. The second floor is the same but a bit bigger. My dads office got bigger also.

The bar is bigger and can hold more people. And their is more alcohol and food. Oh we also added a third floor which is the infirmary.

But anyways today is the day everyone is supposed to be back. Mostly everyone is back except for the Redfox, Fullbuster and Fernandez families. We have heard from the Dragneel's in nine months and we haven't seen them in fifteen months. Meaning I haven't seen my boyfriend well fiancé in a year and three months. I wonder how he's doing.

The guild doors opened revealing the last three families "Welcome back guys" mom said "thanks Mira"aunt levy said "how was training" mom asked "good the kids have really improved" Aunt Erza said

"I could tell the magic power coming off of them is much stronger than before" mom said I had to agree they have gotten stronger "you renovated the place" Storm asked "yeah we finished the renovations last week" mom said

"Have you heard from Natsu and his family" Uncle Gray asked "not in the past eight months last time we heard from them was the day Virgo came with the letter came" mom said "you think their okay" Emma asked "of course they are they are fairy tail wizards" Gemma said "and they are strong and smart" Sylvia said "I know but I'm worried about my best friend" Emma said "Nashi is my best friend also I'm worried about her too but I know she will be alright" Sylvia said

"Same here we believe in our best friend" Rain said "she'll be fine" Gemma said then a phone rang through the guild "it's not mine" I said it wasn't anybody's "Mira check the communication lacrima" Dad said "right" mom said going under the counter taking out a big Crystal ball

"What's that mom" Kana Gorh-Justine asked "that my dear is called a telecommunication lacrima the original version of the smaller version we have now" aunt Cana explained to her daughter

Mom answered it "yo this old ass thing actually works" I heard my baby say "wait for real" I heard Luke say making Reiki perk up "told you" I heard uncle Natsu say "I thought you were lying" I heard Nashi say making Storm smile "you know they can hear and see you right" I heard aunt lucy say "mom your making it seem like we care. We know they can hear us and see us" I heard Layla say making Gabe slightly laugh

"Hey guys how's it going" Uncle Natsu said smiling at us as their hologram appeared so we could see all of them. Aunt Lucy and uncle Natsu were sitting on the couch. While Nashi, Iggy, Layla and Luke were siting on the ground. The exceeds were sleeping on their owners laps.

"We've been good pyro" Uncle Gray said "how about you salamander" Uncle Gajeel asked five out of six of the Dragneel's slightly tensed "we've been good" Uncle Natsu said but I could tell he was lying

"Don't lie to them" Aunt Lucy said smacking them back of his head making him pout "what did he do Lucy" Happy asked "these five burned down a town that is supposed to be fire proof and almost killed me" Aunt Lucy said with a smile but the dark aura said other words

"Come again" Uncle Jellal said "so last month we were training near a volcano and there was a town where only fire wilders lived and their homes were said to fire proof. But some how my wonderful children managed to burn the whole town down. I don't know how it's possible" Aunt Lucy said

"Wow" Nova said it's all we could say "how'd you almost die Lu-Chan" Aunt levy asked "Natsu took these four swimming in lava to enhance their fire magic because that's what igneel taught him" Aunt Lucy said

"You went swimming in lava" I asked wide eyed "yeah it was so much fun it was like swimming in water and have your own buffet" Igneel said with a big ass grin and his siblings and father nodded in agreement "anyways Natsu threw me in the lava and I thought I was going to die but this asshole didn't tell me that because we are mated lava wouldn't kill me" Aunt Lucy said

"In my defense I thought you knew because you can't be affected by fire no matter how hot it is. I thought that you would've figured out that lava doesn't effect you either" Uncle Natsu said "fire and lava are two different things" Aunt Lucy yelled smacking his head again making him pout

We all had our jaws dropped I actually cans believe they went swimming in lava "have you done anything with the E.N.D's" Aunt Juvia asked getting everyone back on topic. The Dragneel's became super serious all of a sudden "yeah we got our resolve with them" Layla said

"What is it" Gabe asked "your gonna have to wait until we get back" Nashi said "when will you be back" Storm asked "not for a while" Igneel said with a frown running the hand with his engagement ring through his hair "oh" I said "yeah" Luke said "we miss you like a whole lot. But we know what your doing is to protect all of us. So we will be waiting for you guys to come home" Reiki said making them smile

"We will see you when that day comes" Aunt Lucy said "so for now keep being fairy tail. Even if we aren't with you just know we will be watching over you" Uncle Natsu said we said our goodbyes then the communication went off.

"They be fine" Uncle Gray said "when they come back they will be better then ever" Uncle Gajeel said "all we have to do is wait for that day to come" Uncle Jellal said "when it does we will welcome them with open arms" Dad said "they'll always find their way back home" Mom said "fairy tail is home" Aunt Juvia said "fairy tail is family" Aunt Erza said "we are fairy tail" Aunt levy said

Causing everyone to cheer. And a party started because a weight has been lifted off of our chest. Knowing that our friends and comrades are safe and sound.

End of chapter

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