Chapter 8

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Sebastian Blood was against Jodie within seconds, the syringe pressed against her neck. Jodie's eyes widened in shock. "Who?" Her voice cracked and scared. "The doofus running around solving crimes? No thanks I'll stick to Benedict Cumberbatch thank you." She attempted to lighten the situation. Sebastian's eyes widened with his craziness. He slowly set the syringe down next to her and grabbed onto her wrists. "I-I need you to tell me where the Arrow is. Or who is."
"I can't if I don't know!" She squirmed under his touch. He sighed. He tightened his grip on her wrists.
"TELL ME!" He yelled into her face.

Oliver slowly drew his string back the arrow drawn and ready. He watched Sebastian try and force Jodie to tell him where the Arrow was. Unfortunately for him, the Arrow was already there. He felt himself smirk slightly at the thought. "Hey Blood," the Arrow called out, "I'm right here." His voice gruff and deep. He let the arrow fly and it hit at their feet, sparks exploding and smoke spreading. "Jodie run!" Arrow's voice called out from the smoke. Jodie looked around covering her eyes and running. She just happened to run straight into a wall. She fell to the grounded, her vision blurred. Jodie shook her head trying to make her vision straight. Distant voices yelling in the background. A hand gripped her wrist pulling her up and shoving her towards the door. Her knees gave away as she fell again. She looked behind her shoulder,seeing nothing she got up and ran towards the entrance. She ran full blast ahead towards the half-opened doors and squeezed through them. She looked around and bent over breathing loudly.
"What the hell?" She mumbled glancing back at the building. Sebastian ran out his eyes wide filled with fear. His face bleeding and his right eye starting to bruise. The cuffs of his jacket torn. He looked back at the building before running, not paying attention to Jodie, towards his car.
The Arrow in all of his glory walked out. His bow strung across his back and his body ready to battle if needed. He slowly approached Jodie and elbowed her in the face, knocking her out.

{A/n} So yea. It's been a while. This is probably really short and stuff and I'm super sorry. But hey new chapter Cx

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