Chapter 15

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fuck I'm late to school I said to myself as I was running down the street. I turned a corner and didn't notice someone coming out of the store so I accidentally crashed into them.

Korra: Shit i'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going ! Are you okay ? Here let me help .

Kuvira: it's okay, why were you in such a hurry ?

Korra: i'm actually really late to school. I was supposed to meet up with my friend, she's probably upset with me now.

I helped pickup all the groceries

Kuvira: well I don't want you to get more in trouble so you should probably head off to school

Korra: no it's ok I'm late anyways so if you want I can help you take your groceries home. Anyways I kind of owe you one

Kuvira: Thanks, that's really kind of you. So um what's your name?

Korra: oh I'm sorry my name is Korra nice to meet you

Kuvira: I'm kuvira nice to meet you too

We walked to her house which was like 30 minutes away but I didn't mind anyways. I was already late so how bad could this be ? So we talked the entire time. It wasn't awkward Nor Silent it just felt like we were already friends.

Korra: oh my god that's amazing so you're a professional dancer?

Kuvira: yeah it's a lot of hard work though. We practice basically every day and if we even mess up once we have to restart. Anyways do you have any hobbies ?

Korra: well me? Umm I basically like going to the gym you know working out. I also like playing sports though, but my best friend and I are thinking about joining a play she really wants to be Juliet.

Kuvira: that sounds pretty fun so how long have you been friends with her

Korra: ever since middle school she became my number one

Kuvira: do you like her ?

Korra( blushing) what no of course not she's my best friend I could never see her that way

Kuvira: well here's my place thank you so much for helping we should hang out soon

Korra: of course you seem pretty amazing I'd love to have a person like you in my life

I smiled and helped her bring in her groceries into her kitchen then left right away and headed straight to school. I mean it's better late than never right?

A few days have passed and Asami and I weren't really talking. I was basically avoiding her because of my feelings. I didn't understand how I felt and I don't want to tell her because I don't want to lose our friendship. I mean how can I tell my best friend that I'm in love with her. This time I was walking home alone since Mako was home sick but from far away I saw a familiar face. It was kuvira, so I ran as fast as I could up to her.

Korra: hey Kuvira !

Kuvira: oh hey Korra right?

Korra: yup that's me wanna hang out ?

Kuvira: huh right now ?

Korra: yeah! Unless you're busy?

Kuvira: no actually I'm free. Want to go to the park?

Korra: yeah ! We can hang out for as long as you want I'm trying not to go home right now

Kuvira: oh is there something wrong ?

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