Hermione Granger x girl reader

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Hermione and I walk through the nearly empty halls of Hogwarts walking with everyone else to the Great Hall for dinner. we turn a corner where there are no students in sight so I grab onto Hermione's hand. I look over at her and see a small smile spread across her face. Hermione and I have been secretly dating for 3 months and it's been a whole week since we've had any sort of alone time. what sucks even more is that we don't share a dorm, making it even harder to get any secret alone time. Hermione turns to face me and I lean in to kiss her but a voice stops me.

"y/n! Hermione! wait up!" Ron's voice calls out from behind us making me let go of Hermione's hand.

"yes Ronald?" I ask rolling my eyes annoyed as he and Harry catch up to us.

"so we were thinking that as we're going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, we could stop by Honeydukes." Harry says. we never get time to stop at Honeydukes.

"I can't go this year. I haven't been feeling all that well for a few days now, so I don't think I'll go." Hermione says and then looks at me.

"yeah, and I'm staying back with her for company." I say smiling.

"oh. we could stay too!" Ron says.

"No!" I say, making Harry and Ron look at me confused. "I mean, nooo, you don't have to. I'm staying back with Hermione so you guys don't have to. go to Hogsmeade and have fun. get us some sweets from Honeydukes while you're at it." I smile as I come up with an excuse.

"okay." Harry and Ron say in unison with a smile.

we all walk through the big oak doors into the Great Hall and sit at the Gryffindor table. luckily, Harry and Ron sat on the opposite side from us, instead of sitting in between us like they usually do.

as we eat, I feel a hand grab mine. I look down and am met with Hermione's hand intertwined with mine. a small smile grows on my face as I look back at my food and continue eating dinner.

(the next day)

everyone from their third year and up got ready for their day at Hogsmeade and left. I was sitting in one of the arm chairs next to the fire with a book in hand. a figure then stands in front of me, making me look up at them. it was Hermione. I close my book and smile up at her.

"yes love?" I ask.

all Hermione did was sit on my lap with one leg on either side of me as she digs her face into the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist and lean into the embrace, never wanting to let go.

"I don't want to be a secret anymore. it's annoying and I can't hold myself from punching the guys that flirt with you." Hermione says making me chuckle at the end.

"me neither. I just want to be able to hold your hand without being completely paranoid." I say kissing her jawline.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too, 'Mione."

A/n: hope you liked this one. It was kind of rushed. Also, I'm slightly stuck for more chapters, so if you have any requests for anyone, please either DM me or put it in the comments. I will try and put out a Christmas one on Christmas, but idk who yet.

xx Moon

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