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Miyah pov
Short chapter next chapter will be skipping ahead some years bare with me...

I smiled looking at my kids run around in the massive backyard unique tip over and fell on her face I got up dusting the dirty from my pants she saw me and came running in my arms

"Mommas baby alright?" She nodded tears in her eyes I wiped off her face "go back and play me and daddy have to talk." I saw Kris from the corner of my eye staring I walked to him slowly standing by him looking at the kids folding my arms

"We should tell the kids , they deserve to know about our discussion its gonna affect them alot." He sighed heavily and I looked at him for a answer

"I supose , sooner then later right?" I nodded

"Right."  I turned my attention back to my kids

Kameron and kris Jr are playing football while

Andria is letting unique do her hair

I wish trey was here

"When are we gonna tell our families?" I shrugged

"I'm actually gonna talk to my grandma so I'll be back in a hour be responsible ." he rolled his eyes

  I cant stand him just anytime I'm around him I think about everything i gave up to be a house wife for someone who cheated on me like what the fuck and then I feel like he just doesnt seem to care

"Nanna!" I walked inside my grandma house closing the door behind Mr me grandma apeared from the kitchen smiling

"Hey sweetheart." She hugged me tightly and I broke down and started crying her gipp got tight on me as she led me to sit down

"Nanna I've never felt so empty broken unwanted worthless, two days ago we got a divorce and  im ready to tell the kids so i can get the hell out that house and stop faking happy." Nanna frowned

"Language, " I sighed

"Sorry nanna."

"Baby listen your gonna have bumps in the roads but you will overcome them if Kris wasn't for you you'll find someone ." i cried even heavier

"No man wants a women with 4 kids and you know James still is in high school so 5 kids nanna I love you so much but im taking the kids and I'll call a lot and stuff but its time I try and do better and if I have to leave nanna i will but I'll always come back for you." My nanna smiled

"Do what you have to do sweetheart."

Kris POV

"Why the hell y'all just now telling us !" James was mad and I dont blame him

"I'm sorry but your sister isn't happy with me anymore dont you want her happy?" He sighed

"Of course bu..." I stopped him

"No but everything you sister did in her life was for you or the kids let her do something for herself." Miyah was quiet the whole time bitting her nails

"James you can  stay with kris because  you're  stillnin school the rest is going with me end of discussion." I stood up

"Miyah I'm gonna see my childern." She held no emotion

"Never said you couldn't now did i?" I shrugged she looked at me with no emotion standing walking up the stairs James looked at me and rolled his eyes

"I'm starting not to like you." With that he left

hell everyone disliked me now

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