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~Sun POV~

-3 Months later

"Espeon finish him off with Psyshock!", I commanded. The gem on Espeon's head began to glow and then it let out a powerful purple stream of energy towards Hala's Hariyama.

"Hariyama NO!", Hala cried as the fighting type fell to the ground.

"Not bad old man", I shrugged approaching Espeon and giving her a Poke bean, "You almost made us break a sweat." My battle with Hala was quite easy, with Honchkrow's help Espeon practically swept his entire team.

"HAHAHA", Hala laughed and slapped my back, "You're as powerful as ever Champion. I don't think you'll ever lose your position."

"Thanks for the compliment", I smiled, "Not like I didn't know that already."

"You're confidence never falters", Hala remarked, "I admire that!"

Hala helped me close up the League for the day and accompanied me on the trek to Melemele Island. On the way, we discussed the current success of the Island Challenge. Ever since Alola crowned me as its champion it had risen in popularity, the tourism industry was booming and all kids at the age of 16 or older were taking part in the Island Challenge.

"Well I guess I'll see you at the League tomorrow", I said to Hala as we arrived in Iki town and got off our Charizard's.

I started to head towards my home on Route 1 but Hala stopped me.

"Sun!", Hala boomed, "I never properly thanked you." 

"Thanked me for what?", I questioned.   

"For what you did for my Grandson", he replied, "I know that you also had feelings for Lillie. It was a major part of your rivalry with Hau. However, you were selfless enough to let Hau have a chance at the girl of his dreams."

"Yeah that me", I said faking a smile and continue my walk home, "The selfless Champion of the Alola region."

I did love Lillie. She was the only girl I had ever developed feelings for. But I was an irregularly shaped puzzle piece, and no matter which way you moved me I would never fit in the masterpiece that is Lillie. Hau, on the hand, was the Yin to Lillie's Yang. He made Lillie smile in way's that I could only dream of.

I was still the greatest Pokémon trainer in the entire world. I was far greater than the other Champions and my father, especially my father. So admitting that Hau was better for Lillie then I was a tough pill to swallow. However, that was my ultimate gesture, to show Lillie how much I loved her. Lillie needed someone to constantly remind her how beautiful and powerful she was, and Hau was that someone.

Why couldn't I do that you ask? All the time I spent in Kanto I was overshadowed by my father and his accomplishments. I was never referred to as Sun, no everyone referred to me as the son of Lt. Surge or the Lightning Americans spawn. So I decided to start complimenting myself. What people would call arrogance, I call self-confidence. I was confident in my abilities as a trainer, and I was confident that I was the greatest trainer of all time. And there lies the problem, I couldn't complement Lillie on how great she was. I couldn't tell her what she needed to hear, because, in my messed up mind I'd be downgrading myself.

My mother and her Kantonian Meowth greeted me as I entered, "How was your day honey?"

"It was great", I simply replied kissing her cheek.

"You know I spoke to your father on the phone today", she cheered.

"Wow", I sarcastically said, "You must be so happy."

"He asked about you", she said ignoring my previous comments, "You could at least give him a call."

Why should I call him? I was the Champion of an entire region. He was the gym leader of a small town, if anyone should've called the other it was him. I had more serious matters to attend to, and I wasn't going to waste my free time talking to a careless prick.

"Speaking about phone calls", my mother said interrupting my train of thought, "Have you spoken to Hau and Lillie since they moved to Kanto?"

"No", I said shaking my head, "They must be busy with their gym challenge."

"You're probably right", she replied, "They're great kids. They belong together."

"Yeah", I scoffed, "They are."

I walked into my room and changed from my Champions outfit into something more casual, before leaving my house and heading towards Ten Carat Hill. Ten Carat Hill is where I've spent most of my free time since becoming Champion. Once I got to the cliff that overlooked the entire valley I released my Pokemon. Garchomp and Honchkrow Immediately took to the air whilst Primarina, Espeon, Tyranitar and Arcanine sat around me.

I don't really do anything up here. I just sit down and go through my thoughts. Without Hau and Lillie around I spent most of my time with my Pokemon. I tried to make friends with the Trial Captains, but I was busy with my Championship duties and I guess my confidence rubbed them in the wrong way, so we ended up as respected colleagues.

I didn't mind being alone with just my Pokemon by my side. Most of my time anyway was spent being surrounded by the Alolan public. Who can I just say get really annoying really fast? I couldn't even go to the store without being hassled by fans who wanted an autograph or take a walkout in public without having a million photo's taken.

I took a deep sigh and realised it was pretty late. So I withdrew my Pokemon back into their Pokeballs and then went back home.

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