The Valley of Light

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"Okay, only an hour of work before I'm done for today. You have to concentrate for only one more hour" I kept telling myself in hopes of finding some hidden motivation. There wasn't any. The work was boring and tedious, but it was the work that I had to do. There wasn't any way out of this so I just had to concentrate and get on with it.
Just when I thought that the things were getting better, since my work halfway finished now, my programm froze. Of course, this had to happen to me of all people. Though it's not a big deal, it has happened before. I just had to wait for a few minutes and it should be ok. I was going to the bathroom when suddenly the power went off. Crap. My laptop had a broken battery, meaning it couldn't work without external power. I quickly tried to turn it in but obviously it wouldn't work. So I waited, for a good fifteen minutes in fact, until the lights finally popped into the light again, meaning the power was back on again. After waiting for my laptop to turn on again I sadly realised that, yes my hour of work was in fact - gone.
Frustrated I put on my jacket and headed out of the house. I had enough for this day. I jumped on my motorcycle, put on my helmet (safety first) and rode off. I didn’t care at this point where I was riding, I just needed to get away from that shithole. I rode for a few hours, slowly my frustration wore off, but I still went on. I finally stopped when I saw a cliff to my left. I looked around, I couldn’t see a soul as far as my eyes could see. The cliff was some 50 metres tall and beyond it was kilometres and kilometres of beautiful flatland. Just at the foot of the cliff was a peaceful river running down to the fields to my left. The farmlands stretched to the very far left and just at the horizon you could make out a few farmhouses, probably the owners of the land. The right side was, however, a different story. On the far right stood big mountains, towering over any buildings and any trees in the area. They just about scratched the clouds. They clearly were the source of the river running through the whole valley. At the foot of the mountains, a forest had grown over hundreds and hundreds of years. The forest consisted mostly of pine trees and thus it had a luscious dark green tone. To the front right, the forest ran all the way to the horizon only the flatland was later on replaced with more hilly terrain though not enough to put the peacefulness of the valley at risk. In the middle of the valley, below where I stood, a branch river had set its course to the west, right in front of me. The branch river was smaller than its main counterpart. But it led to something way grander than both of the rivers combined. It ran in the great lake. The lake was the centrepiece of the valley, it had a weird irregular shape, closest to the form of it were the majestic white big clouds. The clouds were, it seemed in a battle with the sun for the dominance of the sky this evening. I could feel the wind from where I stood, and in the clouds, it was definitely stronger for their form was in a constant movement and thus their shape never stood still and therefore it gave off a feeling as if the clouds were living breathing sky giants constantly dodging and attacking the light of the sun. The sun seemed more fierce than ever in its red evening form. It looked as if an empress of light and fire was ruling this peaceful valley but it was angry at the disturbances of the clouds. The sun was reflected clearly by the river running out of the lake to the horizon right to the edge of it, where it seemed to fall off into a new valley, a new world a new empire of light and beauty.
Seeing all this, all the peacefulness, all of the majesty of this place seemed to really bring me down to earth. I felt peaceful again, I realised that the problems I had, that hour of work I had put in didn’t matter in a grand scheme of things, and one failure didn’t mean anything. So I turned back to my motorcycle and rode off with the empress of light at my back, ready to guard my further work and my further time but always reminding me of the peacefulness of the Valley of Light.

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