Chapter 5

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"But... So you can introduce us na?" Adish again asked the same question, which he is asking Aaban since they left breakfast table.

"First of all, I, myself need introduction because we haven't met for years, last I saw her was when we were five. And no, I would not introduce you to her. You know how my family is."

"But, Aaban, aren't you different from your family. She could be different to."

"She is not. She is just like them."

"But you haven't met her for years...."

"Doesn't mean I didn't hear of her. My mother thinks so high of Emaya. I say, she is just like them. But if you still wanna know her, go ahead. But don't expect my support." They were standing in hallway. Catching eyes of few passerby but both friends didn't noticed or maybe didn't cared. They were busy in their argument.

Where Adish still wanted to know Emaya Khan. Aaban was telling him reasons not to.

Aaban didn't wanted any of his friends mixing with his family and he had valid reason too.

From many years and generations, Maliks and Khans are known to be rival.

Aaban and Adish were probably the first ones to get along with each other and formed friendship to botherhood.

Taking a sigh, Adish looked at his other two friends for hus support. But they shook their head.

"I suggest, let's go before we get late for our first class." Ahil suggested, breaking the ice silence.

"Yeah! I have to pick books from my dorm. I'll see you guys at lunch." Aniqa told them and left for her hostel.

Three guys also had to pick their books, they also left for their dorm room together. Not making any conversation on the way.

Not matter how close ACore Four are with each other, they had different classes because of their different courses.

Ahil was a law student. While Aniqa was pursuing designing.

Both Adish and Aaban were business student. Adish was only heir of his parents, that's why he is the only one to look after family business, business was his ambitious.

But Aaban had different reason to study business. He had no plan joining his family business, but he also wanted to prove his family how much he can do without them.

"Waise.... What do you think Emaya is studying?" Adish couldn't help but wonder, as he collected his book for the day.

Aaban, who was searching for something in his cupboard, slammed it shut loudly which made Adish quickly add. "Not that it's matter... It was just general question."

"She must be doing simple graduation like Erina and Eira. Ladies in Khan household isn't allowed to do job or business, their main motive is to be an obident daughter then wife." Although Aaban said it calmly, but hint of anger was visible in his voice. Indicating how much he hated this fact and his family's stupid culture and traditional.

Adish nod his head and didn't asked anything, but his mind already calculated the fact that she won't be in any class with him or any of his friend.


"So what do you think?" Aniqa slowly asked. Ahil avert his eyes from his notebook and placed them on Aniqa,

"About Emaya, Adish and Aaban... You know..." Aniqa hesitatedly said. Her voice wasn't above a whisper as they both were in library.

Library; the only place in Elphinstone where Adish and Aaban doesn't bother to go.

"I seriously don't know what I should think. I mean... We all know how sensitive Aaban is about his family...." Ahil started saying but Aniqa interrupted him.

"But we also know that Adish never gave any attention to female population. Remember how many invitation for dates he used to get in school but he never accept any.. neither he ever talked about any girl in the way he talks about Emaya. I don't know if it is possible but... He really likes her... Like strongly."

"He has just saw her... He doesn't know anything about her.. how is this possible to like someone in just first meeting?" Ahil couldn't understand Aniqa's view and neither Adish's feelings.

"Ahil, my boy, you'll understand this when you'll fall in love yourself."

"This means you have fall in love?" Ahil raised his eyebrow which made tinted appears on Aniqa's cheeks.

"I'm a girl, we usually know these kinds of stuff and don't forget with whom I have grown up with. Rajjo and Amu still flirts with each other even after twenty years of marriage." Aniqa made her voice stern to avoid being questioned about her experience of love.

Ahil's mind worked on her words and he silently agreed, few years ago, Ahil spend one week at Aniqa's house and he sear he never saw such a lovey-dovey couple before. Which at some point, will make anyone uncomfortable

Ahil's remember his parents were also never shy to show their affection, but he doesn't remember much. He lose his father at very young age, the very few memories that he have of his father was not very pleasant one and he didn't wanted to recall it.

"Ahil, what are you thinking?" Aniqa snapped her finger in front of him when saw him in trance.

"Huh? Nothing... I think... I think you are right. I have never saw Adish being interested in any girl before." Ahil shook his head and manages to say.

But when Aniqa gave him a pointed look, he glanced at his book on the table.

She knows he isn't telling the truth but she didn't forced it on him.

"Should we do something?" Aniqa also looked down at her notes and asked.

"Aniqa, I don't think we can do anything. If we support either of them, the other would be hurt. I think we should let everything the way it is."

"But!...." Ahil's words made her forget they were in library as she loudly said, but when caught the eyes of other people in library, she sheepishly smile and leaned forward to Ahil.

"But, didn't you saw them at lunch? They were so... So stiff."

"I saw them. And this made me uncomfortable too but we can't do anything. Aaban hates his family and Adish being friendly with any of his family members will upset him."

"But I think Adish is right. Emaya is indeed different from her family... I mean, the way Aaban has described his family, Emaya isn't like that. I know it is too early to say as I have only spend one night with her in dorm but still... I could feel she is different.. not arrogant and heartless like Erina and Eira."

"I second that. Aaban said in his family, females are suppose to study simple graduation because they never do job but...." Ahil also leaned forward. He hadn't told this to anyone, although he did wanted to tell Adish this but he didn't.

"She is studying law. And I don't think someone would study law to become a housewife."

"She is studying law?" Aniqa repeated to make sure she heard right.

"She is in my class." Ahil nod his head.

"You didn't tell this to...." Ahil shook his head.

"Do you think we should tell them?" Ahil again shook his head.

"Let everything the way it is." He told her.

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