Chapter 7

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Aaban totally zone out from whatever Ridhima was saying, she was talking about her second cousin, who is in Bollywood, or maybe about the scar on her pinky finger, where a bunny bit her in her childhood. Or maybe about studies. Aaban stopped listening to her after her fourth story.

"- So I told my parents, I'll only marry if the guy knows how to cook." Laughing, Ridhima said. Aaban also gave an awkward laugh.

"Do you know how to cook?" Stirring straw in her shake, Ridhima asked.

"No! I don't. Ahil knows, and he is a good chef if you ask me. Aniqa even says that she could marry Ahil because of his cooking skills." Aaban explained with a shrugg. Not really understanding why she asked this question

"Ahil and Aniqa? Interesting?" Ridhima's eyes rounded in interest. Which Aaban missed, as he took a sip of his coffee and looked behind Ridhima, where Ahil and Aniqa were seated.

Time to time, they would glance at him, asking about his date with raised eyebrows, and Aaban would make a sick face.

"Sorry, what's interesting?" Again being oblivious, Aaban turned to her and asked

"Ahil and Aniqa, they are together."

"We four are always together."

"No.. together as in.. like us." Ridhima said with a shy smile, looking down at her hands, her brown hair falling on her face.

This made Aaban's eyes widened like saucers, he now understand the depth of her words.

Looking at Aniqa and Ahil, he send them danger signal.

Danger signal; was the signal which they made if one of them is in trouble and can't say anything, they would show danger sign to their fellow friends, who is close by.

Most of the time, it is Aaban who used this sing because of his disaster dates, Adish and Ahil are the two who helps him out, Aniqa will comment how he deserves it.

Aniqa is the second person who uses it more after him. When gets trouble with teachers or when someone tries to hit on her. Those times, Aaban would have a good laugh at her. While Ahil and Adish helps her out.


"Go, Aniqa, save that poor guy." Ahil turned to Aniqa and told her.

"I'm not going. He deserves it." Aniqa quickly shook her head negatively.

"Please, Aniqa, I'm not in the mood of dealing with his shit." Ahil made an innocent face.

"Fine!" Aniqa said with irritation, but when she got up, a smirk was on her face.

Making Ahil instantly regret that he asked her.


Aaban Khan was running after Aniqa Baig, shouting mad words and threats, telling her to stop otherwise he will kill her, she obviously didn't stop running. Behind them were Ahil Mirza, who was laughing while running.

People around the town were looking at the scene with amusing face. Ridhima was stood with her friends on outside of coffee shop, looking at two friends weirdly.


When Emaya woke up from her nap, she found herself alone in Eira's dormitory.

Getting down from bed, she drapped herself in shawl and left dormitory for her own.

Getting freshen up, she went to library, she had assignment to submit on Monday.


Picking a law book from library's shelf, Emaya turned to go on her usual spot, which was in the corner, away from most people's eyes.

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