Their backstories(Hunters)

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(Again maybe spoilers! idrk but you've been warned)(And again i found their backstories on their official website)(Sorry! i forgot about Leo(Hell Ember) and Joker(smiley Face)(Edited: 12/03/2020)

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Leo(Hell Ember):

Leo Beck was once the owner of a small textile factory. After taking the advice of his friend Freddy Riley, he bought a small gun factory that was severely in debt. Before Leo realized the poor conditions of the factory, his wife and Freddy Riley made off with all his possessions and disappeared. Drowning in debt, Leo Beck burned down the factory.

Joker(Smiley Face):

Joker was once the star of the circus. His naturally sullen face made him the best crying clown. However, the advantage changed when the handsome smile clown Segi and the glamorous acrobat and actress Natalie joined the circus, and Joker realized it's time for him to change his "professional track". Obviously, after getting his eternal smile, Joker can go nuts in new comedy shows.

Jack(The Ripper):

Before becoming "The Ripper", he was a student of James Whistler, a renowned artist influenced by Edgar Degas. Who would guess that a well-dressed gentleman during the day will, when darkness falls, walk into an alley and stalk poor women? As "The Ripper" gained infamy, the boundary between his two identities began to fade.Of course, before you see his true face, "The Ripper" is still happy to take a walk at night.


The Geisha met Miles, a foreign army officer at a banquet and they fell in love soon after. They got married and returned to Mile's homeland together. His father was particularly vocal in his opposition to their marriage. He was cynical of her and hoped to drive her out of the family home. Not long after, Michiko mysteriously disappeared after Miles left on a business trip. Mile's father claims that she ran off with another man and urged his son to found another wife.Miles however started to search for his wife, Michiko, but no one knows where she went.

White/Black Guard(Wuchang):

Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu (the Black and White Guards) have always been like brothers. As they traveled to Nantai Bridge one day, they noticed it was going to rain. Xie told Fan to wait under the bridge while he returned home to get an umbrella. After Xie left, the rain began to pour and the river rose, but Fan, reluctant to break his promise, stayed under the bridge. Shortly after, Xie returned with the umbrella only to find that the bridge was now submerged and Fan nowhere to be seen...


Joseph was forced to leave France and move to England with his parents. The pain of losing his twin brother caused Joseph to become absorbed with art. He hoped to save the live images of those people and objects to liven up his pictures. Joseph has become obsessed with parapsychology and hopes to make some interesting modifications to his camera. He started to tell his closest friends that he had found a way to capture souls in pictures. No one took him seriously, but then they started to notice that everyone whose picture was taken by Joseph disappeared one after another. When a panic-stricken mob forced their way into Joseph's residence, Joseph was nowhere to be seen. On the wall of his studio, however, were all kinds of lifelike portraits of people that seemed to be looking right at them.

Yidhra(Dream Witch):

Dream Witch Introduction: It is said that Yidhra has existed on earth before the emergence of the very first microorganism. As billions of years passed, Yidhra acquired a unique ability from the changes that took place around her, devouring creatures to acquire their characteristics. Yidhra can, therefore, divide herself into different aspects, though each part shares her consciousness.Merging themselves with Yidhra gifts her followers eternal life. She often hides her true form through powerful images, with only summoned followers being able to see it.

Robbie(Axe boy):

In one night, Robbie had lost his spacious house, comfortable bed, delicious food... and his parents. His life is replaced by endless work and his emotionless boss. But with the help from his sister Dolores, he gradually got used to the work in the yard and gardening became his new hobby. Not long, the White Sand Street Orphanage was taken over by the church and the orphans do not need to work for life. Robbie somewhat felt disappointed about that. However, compare to Dolores dose not need to beg on the street and nuns were providing warm food for everyone, Robbie's little hobby seems less important. After all, his life with his sister was back to the right track. And that was the last memory Robbie could recall, When he woke up under the juniper tree, his sister and the orphanage was no longer exist, the only thing left to him is the dead branch in his hand. Robbie could continue on doing his little hobby.

(I love robbie, he's so cute and small, please don't @ me)

Luchino(Evil Reptilian):

Luchino was an outstanding scholar who was fascinated with reptiles. Not soon after getting a rare poisonous snake from his colleague, Luchino has suddenly vanished. In his room, people only found bloody scales on the ground. The strange thing is those giant green scales are rough and hard and don't seem to belong to any known reptile.

Mary(Bloody Queen):

Mary has no interest in playing chess because the queen is the easiest piece to take.


Ann's eyes became unusual as a result of a peculiar illness. To make the matter worse, a regional plague broke out at the same time. The plague took the lives of her parents, and rumors about her having the devil's eyes spread like the plague. Some people with ulterior motives even wanted to put her to death. Ann lived in fear, and the omnipresent death threats provoked her fragile nerves such that even she herself began to think that there might be some truth to the rumors. On a moonless night, Ann wanted to find peace in the church as she couldn't sleep. Yet just when she approached the church, a piece of wood pierced her heart. Ann was left dying in the wilderness. In between consciousness, she felt a pair of special eyes staring at her in the darkness, but she couldn't tell in her state whether it was salvation from God or the evil's calling.


So long as the melody can move the world, Antonio doesn't care who's controlling his body.


When she was young, Galatea always thought she was her creator's masterpiece, that is until destiny played a sick joke on her. But she wasn't distraught. A genius sculptor can sculpt a perfect destiny for herself.

(A/N: wow so many words, but here it is tbh Wuchang, Photographer and Geisha are my favourite hunters idk but they be pretty (hot) (shush) anyways remember you can request scenarios or one-shots with either gender, male, female, both. Idrc you can chose. just DM me it and give me the summary of it, like what's going on in the story. So yea but till the next time i upload peace out!)

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