Lost in The Woods

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I could remember the tune faintly but I knew the words of the poem. The Star destroyer reminded me of this poem. All mandalorian children knew it.

The Empire is gone, so there's nothing to fear, but a monster like that doesn't disappear.

You can trust your blaster, knife and your gear. You can feel a srtange itch when a Stormtrooper's near.

They may bed down with scum...
their white armour gone gray,
But if you turn your back, they might end you today.

Half of the ship was deep under the earth. It almost looked as if it was standing there for years. Well technically it was but you know what I mean. Bright lights were blinking like stars. I knew they were rooms impeccably clean and white. And also creepy. I also knew most of the rooms were cells or places for torturing. Maybe that's also the place where I'll find Ezra. 'Sabine? Will you be able to climb that'? said Ahsoka. I looked where Ahsoka was pointing. This wasn't the first cliff I saw. 'We can get a closer view of the ship'. Ahsoka said. 'I think I can but it might be risky so I will use the jetpack'. I said looking at the huge mass in front of us. 'Ahsoka'? I asked. 'Mmhmm'? She said. 'I apologize for snapping at you earlier. You're the one helping me and I'm just getting angry at you'. I said my throat feeling like sandpaper. I was never the one apologizing. Ahsoka smiled. Maybe she did forgive me. 'How are you going to go up there'? I asked. She wriggled her fingers. I pushed my tongue out and soared upward with my jetpack. Ahsoka was just beside me jumping(at a height that she could only do with the Force) over the jagged footholds of the cliff.
'Show off'. I muttered. Ahsoka winked at me. I urged myself not to roll my eyes. My feet touched the rough ground. Ahsoka was already there leaning and scanning the ship from the edge of the cliff. 'There's half a dozen of stormtroopers'. Ahsoka said. 'How are they even getting inside the ship'? I asked quizzically. 'half of the body is buried underneath'. 'Mmmm it seems as if there's a stairway attached to the ship'. She said. I stood beside Ahsoka. She was right there was a stairway and at the top of it was Thrawn. Ahsoka must have sensed the unpleasant thoughts radiating from me so she placed her arm on mine protectively. 'That blue sleemo'. I muttered. I had every reason to loathe him. He always talked like an alcohol addict. 'Since General Pryce is as good as dead, we will be having a replacement. She is very intelligent it seems. General Aphelion? Please step forward'. Thrawn said and shifted to his side to reveal a young woman, not more than twenty. She was pretty. Her hair was cut short till her shoulders. She had eyes, the color of the Sun. She didn't look evil atleast. But I knew she has a stony heart. 'I am Eleanor Aphelion'. She said her voice bearing authority. 'I will be leading all the four squads of Helmer and Agent Cadmus will lead the Imperium'. 'General, what about Square Keith'? A trooper asked. 'I will be leading it trooper, we need to search for Young Bridger. Half of the ship is underneath. We will have to get the hyperdrive back in action'. Thrawn said. My eyes went over the ship's hyperdrive. Leave the hyperdrive to me Thrawn. I'll be getting it fixed before you even know it. I thought. 'Sabine, we need to get inside the ship. We have to check the cells'. Ahsoka said. 'Sounds like a plan but first we wait for them to go. I have an idea'. I said grinning. Oh how my mischievous mind works. I must have looked like smiling maniac because Ahsoka's eyes were widening. 'Let's start shall we'? I asked.

This is why my name should be 'Lord of Wisdom' or 'Wise Bridger'. The wind was balmy. The market was bustling. Unfortunately I couldn't find the person who was keeping me prisoner. I had smashed the window open and I had jumped out. It really took a long while to concentrate in the Force and break it. The people in the market place looked different. They all wore clothes of black or white leather and they looked superior. What I meant was they looked intelligent. It was as if I was some mere creature. People walked like droids. Moving stiffly. I was apparently the only one shirtless. It was bizarre that no one noticed it. 'Hey kid!' a voice called. I watched as a middle aged woman walked towards me. Her dark red hair was spiilled over her shoulders like a curtain. Her eyes were a bright vermilion. ( It wasn't the most alien characteristics that I had ever seen. Believe me). She was wearing all black. 'I've never seen you before here'. She said. 'come with me boy'. I reluctantly followed after her. 'What's your name first of all'? She asked. 'You first'. I said. 'I asked you first kid'. She said smirking. 'Jabba. Jabba the Hutt'. I said. 'what made your attention turn to me'? 'Well let's see, we don't get any visitors nude from the above in this garrison'. She said. 'Why do you think I'm a visitor'? I asked feeling a little queasy. 'Obviously, look at yourself. You're not walking like a mind-controlled person. Besides I've never seen you here'. She said her voice lowering. 'Who are you'? I asked. 'I'm Alameda. Who I am is a little complicated to tell. I'm a Unique. It means that I'm not mind-controlled. There are others like me and I'm their leader'. She said. I remembered the people in dark and bright leather, stiff and straight. 'Who's the person behind this'? I asked. 'behind the mind-controlling'.
'It's still unknown to us Jabba, the only thing we know is he is intelligent. There was war once on this planet. The people called it 'The Iron War' since the battle was between Cyborgs and Tesslanians. Some of our people sided with the Cyborgs while others stayed back. They destroyed our land. Our people. We were reduced down to ashes. At last people got seperated from their loved ones'. She said. Raw emotions were radiating out from her. 'Did you lose anyone'? I asked. 'Yes I did. I lost everything'.

Robed ghouls surrounded me. I got a glimpse of metal under their robes. 'I'm not a Jedi'! I said. 'We can sense the Force around you boy. And you have the weapon of the Jedi'. A feminine voice said. 'Only if I train I'll become one. The lightsaber is my father's'. I said. 'We despise the sorcerers. All they do is trickery and murder'. A scratchy voice said. 'The Jedi and their cursed witchcraft'! Said one. 'Why do you hate them so much?' I asked my voice drowning in the chourus of voices. 'Because they are the ones who murdered us'. A voice said. It sounded older than the rest. The voice was a her. It seemed to cut through the other voices. The ghouls quieted down. 'They had eyes like the rotten dead and skin pale as sorrow. A mind of inhumanity and recklessness. They have darkness in their soul. How can you say that they are good hearted?' the voice rasped. The lothcat behind me was getting agitated. I only heard voices getting louder merging into one.
Kill the Jedi.
At that I ran. Up the large stairs and into the dark forest. Why did I come here? The forest is too dark. I'm lost. So this is how I die. Jacen Syndulla. Eleven year old boy. Died by the hands of Mandalorian ghouls because they hate people who are Jedi. Which I am not. It has to be my green hair. Ugh.
'We will not let you exist boy!' voices cooed behind me. My heart was pounding. There was only thought in my mind. Run. I was gasping so much. I spotted the agrotis flowers. My speed doubled. I could see the top of the Ghost. I burst out in the open daring not to look back. I ran inside the ship and climbed up the ladder. I saw my mother. Her eyes widened at the sight of me. 'Mom'! I gasped. Her arms were around me in silvers. Strong yet soft arms. I was with Hera Syndulla. My mother and there is nothing left to worry about now.
    Safe and sound.

Hey people. This chapter is done. I don't know if you were satisfied with the ending. If not I'll try harder. Hope you guys like this. Till then. Toodles.

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