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A.N~ This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, incidents and locations are products of the author's imagination. They don't have any affects in real life. Any resemblance to any living and dead or any events is totally coincidental.


I stared at the girl before me, and her nervous eyes behind those black rimmed glasses were also set on me. Tentatively, I tucked a strayed strand behind my ear and bit my lip. She mimicked. I blinked, so did she.

"You done with your stare down match with yourself, Em?" A huff came from behind me. "For God's sake! You're doing this for the last five minutes! You're creeping me out now!"

I glanced at my best friend through the mirror, sitting at the edge of my bed. With folded arms on her chest, she scowled at me.

My eyes went back to my reflection. "I don't know, Beth. Do you think he- he will like my look?"

"After we spent two hours to doll you up? Yes, we think that he will like your look. And won't reject you when you announce your undying love for him," said my other best friend, Casie, standing beside Beth.

Reject. The same word that has been haunting my dreams for years now. I've been waiting for this day for six years. The day he said those words to me. I've been waiting since.

And if he rejects me today... I don't know what I'd do.

"Will you be my prince, Ace? I want to be your princess," I'd asked my brother's best friend when he gave me a Cinderella dress on my ninth birthday.

He'd laughed at my silly question, almost breaking my heart. But then when he saw my crestfallen face, he crouched down before me, looking into my turquoise eyes with his stormy grey. "You're my princess."

"Really?" I'd brightened up like a Christmas tree. "That means you will marry me?"

He'd bit his lip, his eyes lit up with amusement. "I'm sorry, Rosebud! But I can't."

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because it's not the right time. You're still so young."

"Then when will be the right time?" I'd gazed up at him with so much hope.

"When you turn into a blooming rose from a rose bud."

I'd waited till that day to bloom into a rose. I didn't know what that meant at that moment. But to remember and understand, I'd written those words into my personal diary.

And Casie at this age, we were big enough to have a lover. Well she already had one at the age of fourteen, and is on her fourth at fifteen now.

I knew whatever Ace had said that day was because he didn't want to break a nine years olds naive heart. But I didn't care. I think I was ready to confess my feelings to him today. For real this time.

"Em, you're looking stunning! Though I preferred your long wavy hair. But it's alright, this also suits you," commented Beth.

I'd cut my waist length hair to my shoulder and tamed my wild waves into straight. Just like Tess, my sister. She and my brother, Tobias, were twins. So obviously, Ace was her best friend too. And I'd once heard him say that he liked Tess's hair. So I turned my hair just like her. Though hers were blonde where mine was chestnut.

"Short hair is in fashion now. And Ace likes them short," I replied, checking my manicured nails. Just like Tess's.

Just like Ace preferred. All of his girlfriends were just like my sister. Beautiful and classy. Yes, I was jealous of them. But then they all were temporary. Once we'd be together, then there wouldn't be any other in his life other than me.

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