Chapter 2

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A knock landed on the door. "You ready, honey? Your Dad is waiting downstairs."

"Yeah, Mom. Just give a minute," I replied, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

"Alright, come soon."

I ran my palm over the red material clung against my skin. It felt smooth. Everything was perfect. The nude make-up, the simple side-parted long hair, the off shoulder gown with a sweetheart neckline and a semi-high slit at the side, everything was in place.

"I'm ready," I whispered at my reflection, and those big turquoise eyes of her stared back.

Grabbing my black clutch, I smoothed my hair once again and sauntered downstairs.

Warner met me at the door. His mouth fell open, his light blue eyes looking up and down my body. "Holy shit! You're looking..." He shook his head. "I've no words."

I stretched my lips into a smile. "Thanks. You don't look that bad yourself."

He did look good in his three piece suit and tie.

"Shall we?" I asked.

"Sure! God knows, no one can take their eyes off of you tonight." Grinning, he gave me an arm, and I took it.

Once outside, we met Mom adjusting Dad's tie as he grunted something. His face turned more grimier spotting us together. After Mom gushed about my looks and being proud that I went after her, we all piled in the car. Though her subtle attempt of asking me if I was feeling good after I left the dinner in the middle, excusing of my jet lag last night. I knew what she wanted to ensure, if I was okay, not physically, but emotionally.

Everyone had avoided talking about the engagement as much as possible before me. They thought it could upset me as they all had an idea of my heartbreak seven years ago. Not all of it though. They weren't aware of what happened that night. But they didn't know I wasn't the fifteenth years old Emerald anymore.

I was going to face the man who broke my heart years ago, and see him announce his engagement with my sister before the world. But I was alright. It's been years since then. I had a boyfriend, I'd moved on.

After last night, I hadn't seen her. And honestly, I didn't want to. Even if I didn't care anymore, I still felt the anger and betrayal I felt that night. After knowing everything, how could she come and announce her engagement to me as if nothing happened?

How could she...

I shook myself, not wanting to remember the past. I was stronger now. The past should remain in the past. And I should be happy for her. It's been years after all.

And I've overcame the past. It didn't affect me now. Not at all.

The car screeched to a halt, along with my heart. Mom and Dad got out, and Warner followed behind.

We were here.

"Em?" Warner called out, waiting for me outside.

Deep breaths came out of me, my hands fisted my gown at my knees. Heart palpitating down the chest, my mouth turned dry. A drop of sweat trickled down my nape.

It was slipping. The calm facade, it was slipping from my control.

"Honey? Come on, Tessa is waiting for us inside," Mom probed.

I can do it. Nothing happened. I've moved on.

Giving her a tight nod, I gritted my teeth and scrambled out with shaky knees. I caught Warner's arm in a vice grip as my eyes fell on the huge mansion I didn't remember when I last visited.

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