Sleepless Nights (Gets Steamy)

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Pairing: Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1,149

Posted: 11/12/20

Warning: None, Gets Steamy

Summary: The reader has issues sleeping at night (insomnia), luckily so does her best friend.

"Wow, someone is tired

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"Wow, someone is tired." Jughead teased from beside you.

Taking in a sharp breath, you jumped slightly. "What? No."

"Right, that's a believable lie." He rolled his eyes, chuckling slightly leaning against lockers.

"Alright, you caught me." You frowned shoving books into your locker.

"What's bothering you?"

"Nothing." You shrugged.

"Whatever floats your boat." Jug responded.

"Hey, guys." Fangs and Sweet Pea quickly joined Jughead beside you.

"Hey." You grinned at Sweet Pea.

"What're you talking about?" Fangs questioned.

"How Y/N, is always tired." Jughead chuckled.

"Yeah, why is that?"

You shrugged. "Don't know."

The rest of the day, you spent yawning and feeling exhausted, while you were barely able to hold your eyes open.


Laying in bed, you let out a frustrated huff. Rolling on your side, you attempted to sleep. Huffing again, you rolled to your other side repeating your previous actions. Letting out another sigh, you rolled onto your back. An angered groan fell from your lips. Throwing the blankets from your body, you were covered in a light layer or sweat. Moment later, you were overwhelmed with a chilled feeling.

You were too hot then too cold. Your bed wasn't comfortable for some reason. Huffing, you sat straight up as you angrily rubbed your face. A soft knock came from your window. The hair on the back of your neck stood up. Getting up, you hastily gazed toward the sound. Confusion etched along your features.

Unlocking your window, you allowed the person to come into your room.

"Sweet Pea?" You questioned tilting your head slightly. "What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"

"I figured you'd be away too." He murmured in a husky voice. Toeing off his shoes, he placed his leather jacket on the back of your desk chair.

As he was moving about it was then, that you noticed he was in sweat pants and a plain black shirt. The realization that he was in his pajamas, washed over you.

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