Chapter 3| Mask Freak

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Delirious's POV

I woke up in my room feeling an ice pack on my stomach. I looked at my nightstand and see my mask. I tried to grab it but it fell to the floor next to two feet. I looked up and see my dad picking up my mask.

"I can tell you didn't have a good day, Jon..." He said as he put it back on the nightstand. "Good thing your sister was there to take you to the nurse's office. Once I got that call from the school, I got out of work quickly to pick you up."

He removed the ice pack on my stomach and put his hand on top of it. "Does it still hurt?" He asked. I nodded a bit. "A little..." "That kid got you badly." He chuckled at bit. "If your sister was there on time, she would of beat the shit out of him." I laughed a bit also.

"Where is Luna?" I asked. "She still at school, getting out soon." He answered. I look my alarm clock as it says 2:23. "Soon as in 7 minutes?" I said. "Ya, but she said she would take the bus home." "Oh ok.."

He got up and pushed my office chair back to my desk. "Turn on the tv please and hand me the remote." I said. He turned on the tv and threw the remote at me. I caught it surprising and change the channel. "If you need anything, just call me." My dad said before he left my room.

While I was watching TV, I saw Luna walking to the door. She looked like she was in a rush. I heard the front door opened and running up to stairs. She burst out of the door, panting. "Don't worry.. I'm alright." I said softly. She ran up to me and hugged me. It felt weird hugging Luna because she doesn't like hugs.

I started crying on her shoulder. "Jonathan... You can't let people hurt you! You need to show them that you're strong!" She yelled. "I'm not strong..." "YES YOU ARE" she said as she stop hugging me. She sat on my bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to this girl's house. I can't leave you at the bus alone so I'm going home then walk." Luna said. "Luna... Stop treating me like I'm the youngest.." I said. I was kinda annoyed that she acts like she's the older sibling.

Luna did a creepy laugh as I said that. "My laugh is more creepier than yours." I said. "No it's not!" She yelled. I started doing my creepy laugh. She laughed louder and I did the same. Suddenly, our laughter turned into a fake laugh. "Kids, can you please stop..." My dad said. Luna sighed and got off my bed. She was about to walk out of my room until Dad grabbed her hat away.

"Hey!" She said trying to get her hat back. He threw her hat down the stairs and she ran after it like a dog. I chuckled and my dad joined in. He closed my door and I continue watching TV.

|Time skip to the next day after school|

Vanoss's POV

I waited for Yuki and her new friend she made. Once I saw blue hair, I knew it was Yuki. Then I see a girl who looked like a bad girl. My stomach twisted when I saw the girl. Did Yuki really made friends with a bad girl?

"Hi Evan! This is my friend, Luna." Yuki said pointing at her. "Hey." The girl said as she smiled and wave. I gave her a quick wave and let both the girls in. "Dude, you never told me that your brother's popular." Luna said to my sister. Yuki giggled and said, "he sure is."

During the whole car ride, Luna and Yuki were talking about anime. Luna actually seems to be a nice girl. I thought she wouldn't be Yuki typed of friend because the way she's dressed. "We're here." I said as I pull into the driveway.

I opened the door and the girls ran inside. They ran to Yuki's room and shut the door. I smiled and went to my door to play on my Xbox. I played GTA V with my friends Lui, Marcel, Craig, Tyler, and Brock. We had an awesome time together, messing around with glitches and doing missions.

"Did you hear about Mask Freak getting beat up, yesterday?" Tyler said. "What?!" Brock said in shocked. "Ya, Alex was picking on him and chased him down." Tyler replied. "I heard Alex messing with him behind me, but I didn't want to deal with them. I never knew that after class he beat him up. Well... That is Alex." I said. "Well, he is a freak for wearing that mask. Like, who the fuck wears a mask to school?!" Marcel yelled. "I heard that Mask Freak called a freshman for help, what a pussy." Craig said. We all laughed and suddenly something was thrown across my face.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled. "Vanoss are you okay?!" Lui said. I looked at the door and see Luna with fire in her eyes. Yuki was grabbing onto her arms to pull her back but couldn't. "Never call my brother a Mask Freak!" She yelled. "Brother?!" I said. She got out of Yuki's arms easily and grabbed onto my shirt. "Luna! Don't hurt, Evan!" Yuki yelled. "Listen to me, Evan... My brother suffered a lot back in our old town. I don't want him to suffer here too. So if I ever hear you make fun of him again I will hurt you..." She said.

He suffered a lot back in our old town. I started feeling bad when I hear that. I never knew Mask Freak... I mean... What ever his name is, is dealing with a lot of problems.

"Sorry..." I said. Luna let go of my shirt and looked at Yuki. "Sorry for attack your brother." She said. Yuki nodded and accepted her apologize. "I should go now..." She said as she grabbed her phone to call someone. "Bye Luna!" Yuki said as she hugged her. Luna jumped when Yuki hugged her. "Sorry... I'm not a hugger..." She said. "Oh ok." Yuki said. Luna smiled and messed up her hair and went downstairs.

Yuki went back to her room and I walked to the window. I see a blue car in front of the house and see the masked kid. Luna and the guy talked, then I see her take his mask off and slapped him with it. He rubbed his face and laugh. He grabbed his mask, put it back on, then went back in the car. They both left and I just stand there, thinking.

'Sorry...' I thought, thinking that I did something wrong. I suddenly got a weird feeling in my stomach. I want to meet this kid now.

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