Chapter 13| Seeing you again

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Luna's POV

"JONATHAN!!!" I screamed. "Luna..." My dad picked me up and I tried to escape. He tries to pull me out of the room. "NO!" I screamed as my dad walked to the door. I gave up and started crying on his back until...

"Luna... Stop screaming... It's making my ears bleed..." I looked up and saw Jonathan on his side, staring at me. I smiled and my dad put me down and I ran to Jonathan, giving him a hug. He slowly hugged back and we were like that for a minute. I was glad that he was still alive.

"Dad... I'm sorry for being antisocial and stop eating and everything..." Jon said softly. "I'm going back to school and will start eating again." He said proudly while grinning. Dad smiled back and him and said, "you're starting on Monday."

|Time Skip to two weeks, Monday|

Delirious's POV

Luna sat next to her friend, Alaska, again and I sat by myself. I was still wearing my mask and was a bit worry because I'm going to see Evan again. My stomach twisted when I thought of him.

The bus stopped and we all got out. People looked at me in shock that I still go to school. I saw Evan, Yuki, and a blond headed chick at the staircase. Yuki noticed us and waved at us and started walking to us. Evan grabbed her arm and shook his head no. Yuki sat back down all sad.

"Why the fuck did.." Alaska said. "Is it because of Jon? If that's the reason then that's bs." Luna said.

Evan noticed that I was staring at them so him and the blonde got up. I saw them kissed and he put his arm around her, walking away. I was crushed when I saw that. Luna pat my back and I just walked to math so I could be alone.

I got to class and saw Alex and his two friends coming by to beat me up. I growled and got up from my seat. "It's nice seeing you back, Mask Freak. Why did you skip school for almost 3 months?" He asked. "I was at the hospital.." I hissed. "Is that's why you look so white?" He said. He pushed me against the wall before I could answer. "Just because you left for 3 months doesn't mean you won't get hurt more." He whispered.

I had enough and kneed him in the stomach. "Fuck!" He yelled as he wrapped his arm around his stomach. The bell rang but he wasn't going to stop right there. I did my creepy laugh and lifted up my mask, showing him my smile. "Come at me, bitch!" I told him.

Evan's POV

I gave Isabella one more kiss before I go to math. I heard cheering inside the classroom and walked inside. I guess Alex is beating up Jon again. I walked inside and I was in totally shock.

"You fucker!" Yelled Alex as he punched Jon's face, well... mask. Jon walked back and fell on one of the desk as he fixed his mask. Alex tried to punch him again but Jon moved out of the way and was no longer trapped by Alex. He punched Alex's back and Alex turned around. "Big mistake!" Jon yelled as he punched him in the face. Jon turned around and noticed me. He froze for awhile and Alex got up and tackled him to the desks.

Everyone stopped cheering as our teacher walked in with the principle. "Boys!" They yelled. They pulled Jonathan and Alex away from each other. The principal looked at both of them with a dead stare and yelled, "My office! NOW!" Jon and Alex walked out of the room with the principle behind them.

Everyone picked up their desks and sat down. Class began with my teacher all pissed off. He started the lesson but I didn't pay attention at all. I was too busy of thinking about Mask Freak.

During first period, I discovered something that I didn't think would happen.

|Time Skip|

Delirious's POV

Me and Alex ended up having detention after school for 2 days, which fucking sucks. Luna and Dad will kill me when I get home.

"Ok class, I need to go talk to someone so when I come back, you guys better be quiet and better be in your seat!" The detention teacher said as she left.

When she left, everyone started talking and got out of there seats. I just sat there, watching everyone. Alex came by and slammed his hand on my desk.

"This is all your fucking fault, Mask Freak!" He yelled. Everyone got quiet and circle around us. I just sat in my seat, scared a bit.

He grabbed my mask and I hold it down. "Come on, let's see what's under that mask of yours." He laughed. Everyone was watching and he kept trying to take it off.

I punched him in the face and he walked back, rubbing his cheek. Everyone started getting mad at me for punching him. I guess he's really popular and is the biggest bully in the school.

Everyone started walking closer to me until we heard footsteps. Everyone ran back to their seats. Two girls got in trouble for not being in their seats. The teacher dismissed us and I walked all the way home.

I looked across the street seeing him and his new girlfriend. He looked my way also and noticed I was there. I waved slowly and he didn't wave back. I stopped looking at him and continued to walk home.

Evan's POV

Isabella and I decided to take a walk together. During the walk, I saw Jonathan walking home from school. We both stopped and just stared at each other. He waved at me but I didn't want to wave back.

"Why are you staring at Mask Freak?" Isabella asked as Jonathan started walking away. I was quiet for awhile then replied, "He's not a Mask Freak..."

Sorry guys for not updating yesterday like I said I would :c I almost got my phone taken away at school and in 3rd period(what we call is D.E.A.R.) we had a sub and he didn't knew that we read on our phones(I write the story and update during that time with Yuki) so he told us to put our phones flat on the desk. I couldn't write it because I didn't want him to think that I was texting. Oh btw, I bet you guys are like "wait.. Yuki?!" Well, Yuki is my friend at school and I'm Luna :3 Hope that doesn't bother you that I put ourselves in the story. >.< and please accept my apologies for not updating on the day I said I would :c

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