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Wilbur was teasing himself with a vibator, placing it right against the head of his already leaking cock. Ever since he learned about the much more -fun - ways of having sexual pleasure, there was simply no way he would be vanilla ever again.

He was edging himself with a rose gold bullet vibrator, forcing himself to pull his hand away when he was moments away from spilling thick white streaks all over himself. Wilbur's phone decided it was a perfectly good time to ruin his fun, blaring out an alarm at full volume.

Speedrun w/ Schlatt - 9:05 pm

The british sighs, tries to think of weird, disgusting things to get rid of his erection - no way was he shoving ice down his pants again - when his brain lights up with an idea. Shuffling underneath his bed, he pulls out a box of toys and slides a rubber cock ring on. Wilbur shifts the vibrator in a comfortable spot, before turning it back on. He sets it to a small hum, not enough to distract him but enough to let him know it's there. Shuffling into a clean pair of sweats, he slips into his chair and plugs on his headphones, starting up minecraft.

"Oh, good, you're up." Schlatt states. "You're a few minutes late, were you busy doing something?"

He bites his lower lip to stop a whine from escaping, sighing deeply into the mic.

"Wilbur? You alright there?" There's a tone of concern in Schlatt's voice, and Wilbur can't help but smile.

"I'm alright, Schlatt. It's just been a long day, that's all."

"I feel you."

Spreading his legs a bit more, he nearly lets a moan slip as the setting increases out of the blue as he joins Schlatt's server. Wilbur pushes his mic further away from him, so the other player won't hear his embarrassing noises as he teases himself through the speedrun.

"So..." Schlatt starts as his player runs towards a tree. "Why are we recording?"

"For content - I've been lacking it lately, and everyone seems to like it when we pair together. They think we've got chemistry." Wilbur replies.

"Oh, we've definitely got chemistry, Mr.Soot." Schlatt teases.

Wilbur chuckles, keeping his mouth shut as the American rambles on about a new project he's probably going to join in the future. And then Wilbur cries in pleasure, nearly falling out of his seat when his vibrator raises to the highest setting out of the blue. He grips the edge of the table as it stays on the setting. Shaky hands reach out for his phone to turn it off when Schlatt's voice rings through clear in the call.

"Are you - you're touching yourself, aren't you Wilbur?"

"What? N - no-"

"Don't lie, Wilbur. You've been moaning and whimpering like a whore since we first started." Schlatt states fimly, and fucking hell if his cock doesn't jerk in response. A few minutes of silence, and Schlatt murmurs something along the lines of I can't believe I'm about to do this . "Turn on your webcam, Wil? I want to see your pretty flushed face when you cum."

"Huh?" Wilbur's in shock. "No you don't! You're just going to make fun of me and tweet about it later!"

"So you admit it, then? You are touching yourself." He can hear Schlatt chuckle.

Wilbur lets out an involuntary groan when the vibrations rise again. A pink flush falls over his face, and he chews on his lips. Two can play this game, after all.

Pulling his mic close to his lips, he slides his hand down his sweats and rubs the thumb of his finger over his leaking cock. A soft whine comes out, excitement flaring in him when he hears Schlatt breath hitch. "What if I am?"

"Oh...you bad, bad boy." Schlatt tries, and Wilbur hums in response. "Touching yourself without permission now?"

"What if I am?" He repeats. "Are you going to order me around? Tell me otherwise? Make me your baby boy?"

Silence. "Are you sure you want to do this, Wil? Once we do this, there's no going back."

"I know, Schlatt. The choice is yours. You can make me yours for right now, or we could forget about this. And I could find someone else to take care of me." The british can just imagine the american's eyes lighting up in anger, hands clenched into fists, tongue running over his lips and hand sliding through his hair. Probably spin around his chair a few times, or pull out his gun. Wilbur snaps out of his illusion when he hears a keyboard being smashed in the background, and he makes a noise of confusion.

"No, no. You're not going to do that, pretty boy. Can you call me over discord and turn on your camera?" He says softly, and yet it's like an order. Wilbur is quick to adjust the position of his camera, so that his upper body and hard-on are in full view, before switching the camera on. Another moment of silence. "You look beautiful, baby. Can I call you baby?"

"Yes, Schlatt." Wilbur's looks at him from underneath his eyelids - cliche move, yes - but he can hear the hum of approval from the other man. "Is there anything else you wanted me to do?"

"Take off everything you're wearing from the waist down." He commands, and Wilbur complies without another word. Hooks his fingers through the bands of his sweats, shrugging it down slowly. His cock flies free and slaps against his stomach with a wet smack ! He looks back at his second monitor to see that Schlatt's turned his camera, dark eyes memorizing every last inch of his body to memory. "God...don't tell me that's a vibator and a cock ring."

"It is." He grins, slipping the vibator snuggly besides the cock ring. "I haven't cum in...two hours, now?"

"You're so cocky."

"Oh hush, you know you love it."

"Mhm. Can't disagree there."

Another high pitch moan escapes Wilbur, and Schlatt scoots his chair a bit closer, leaning back to watch the show.

"Now, we're going to finish this speedrun and only then can you cum, Wilbur." He states simply. "No touching yourself, no taking off the camera, no turning off the vibrator, no teasing yourself either - unless I say so."

"Schlatt, I can't hold off for that long -"

"You will hold off, or I'm hoping on the next flight to Queen Elizabeth's saint land and punishing you." Wilbur watches as Schlatt's minecraft character runs along to another tree.

Wilbur is hesitant at first - but the anticipation, the fear of getting caught when he does, the overall thrill of it all - its too much. "Fine. I accept, Father."

"Oh, you're going to be calling me Daddy before we kill the Ender Dragon." Schlatt promises.

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