Chapter 2

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(N/N= nickname if y'all aren't familiar.)

(Your POV)

I look over at Benjamin, his pale skin was almost white due to the blinding sun. His green/blue but also somehow hazel eyes trailed the open desert land in search for a place to rest. It was almost night and we had no shelter which wasn't good since the lab had probably already sent troops in search for us. His dark brown hair slightly flowed in the breeze. "So what now?" He asks, his eyes still scanning the area.

"I don't know about you but I say we keep looking for a place to sleep. Then, in the morning we search for a vehicle or something to get out of here fast and safe." I say as I now scan the area. Looking out all I saw was desert, just..sand. I sigh and take out my journal. I had been journaling since I was a little girl. Two years old actually. While sittings down my mind wonders to when I was a kid.

(20 years ago)

Running down the stairs to the Christmas tree I almost fall. I run past my dad and into the kitchen. "Woah kiddo! You almost made me spill your breakfast!" He laughs while trying to talk. I giggle and look at the stairs to see my  brother John come downstairs. "Johny!" I shrieked as I ran to my older brother. "Hey, N/N!" He picked me up and walks me over to the living room. "Hey, what about breakfast?" My dad asks. I just shake my head and sit down on the floor as my mom walks in with a small box.

"I know we couldn't get you much this year but, honey get in here!" My mom says, the last part to my dad. "I'm coming, I'm coming." He says while he sits on the couch next to John. "Well Ms.McTavish we got a present for you, a special one too!" My dad says. I giggle and gently grab the box from my mom and smile. "Can I open it?" My mom nods as she pulls out a camera. Opening it I see a paper.

"sweetie. You know what that is?" My mom asks. Before she could finish a loud bang can be heard. Looking up I see men walk in the room. "Mr and Mrs. McTavish. It's been a while hasn't." A man says. "Dad?" John questioned. "John." My dad turns to John before continuing. "When I say run you grab your sister and run. Ok?" "Das I don't understand?!" John whisper/yelled.

"Just go now!" He yelled and I'm swooped up in Johns arms as I'm carried away. A loud gun shot was heard before I can hear my mom screaming. I start sobbing as John puts me down near a tree. "I'm going to go check on mom and dad ok? Just, just stay here ok?" John says as he leaves me alone.

Hours pass and no sign of John. Just then I hear a crack. I look up to see a man in armor who reaches dodge me and I scream but he yanked me up and covers my mouth. Crying out for John only to be muffled and knocked out cold.

(Present day)

I awake with a scream as I see Benjamin asleep on a make-shift bed out of his armor. Looking around I see that we are in a destroyed building. Hearing people outside I take my pistol and decide to keep watch as Benjamin sleeps. As the voices get closer I hear that they are speaking English but they soon walk away not soon after. I decide to write in my journal before trying to sleep again.

  Hello again, been a while huh? It's been a rough few hours, after escaping and running away..again. We made it to what seems to be a destroyed building. Well I was asleep, I think Benny carried me here. I woke up after a nightmare about "that day." I still get shivers thinking about it. And about John, I don't blame him. He was 14 I was 2. Yea, yea large age difference whatever, anyway. He was just trying to be brave and save them, I see that now. I used to hate him but now having Benjamin, I now know what it feels like. Anyway I must get sleep, we got a long road ahead of us tomorrow so I'll write to yea soon.

Till next time, Y/N M/N McTavish.

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