Windbreaker City

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Dean stands in the bullpen pacing by Gina's desk as she waits for her to leave the captains office. "Dean, you look worried is something wrong?" Amy asked. "Yep it's cool, cool, cool, cool" Dean says tying her hair up. "Uh okay." Amy says walking away. "Gina hey!" Dean says as Gina walks out of Holts office. "Oh hey girl how's it go wink wink" She says as Dean pulled her into the copy room. "We slept together and now i'm like freaking out! she told me Marcus was supposed to meet her parents." Dean says anxiously cracking her knuckles.

"Calm down girl, you got what you wanted- so now we just gotta wait for the dominos to fall." Gina says pulling Deans hands apart. "Ah- hand touching. Please stop" Dean says as she releases her hands. "Look she has feelings for you if she's breaking up with him" Gina says. "Or maybe she feels guilty" Dean says. "You know what, I'll just avoid her at all cost" Dean finishes and walks out leaving Gina. "That girl is crazy" Gina says walking to her desk.


"All right, squad." Terry smiles as he enters the briefing room as he heads over the podium. "Every year the department of homeland security runs a multi-agency counter-terrorism drill." He says as Charles takes notes. "The team from the D.O.D had to drop out last minute thanks to our stellar scores at our last year's tactical village" He begins before Amy cuts him off. "Nine-Nine" Amy shouts and everyone ignores her. "They want us to fill in. We are the only non-federal agency every invited to this event. This is a huge opportunity and we are going to nail it? He explains.

"Nine-nine!" Terry yells getting everyone joining him. "Nine-Nine!" Dean repeats as everyone yells and cheers except Amy. "Charles?" Jake asks as the boy turns around to him. "Yeah?"he questioned. "You know what I'm thinking?" Jake asks."Yes, we should pack grapes for the road." Charles nods. "No. This drill couldn't have come at a better time. I'm going to throw myself into it and focus solely on getting the win, and not whether or not Sophia's texted me back." Jake says as he checks his phone for any notifications. "Which she hasn't, in case anyone was wondering." He turns his phone back off. "Nine-nine!" He yelled. "Yeah! Nine-nine!" Everyone chants again before leaving. "I don't get it." Amy frowns.


Dean and Amy sit in chairs as they wait for the training to start. "Dean are you okay?" Amy asks. "You look a mess" Amy says looking at dead who's hair was messy and she kept cracking her knuckles. "I-I'm sorry i'm just anxious." Dean says bringing her knees to her chest as she looks around to see if rosa is near by. "Yeah like super nervous a-about this training" Dean says rubbing her eyes and looking at Amy. "But you weren't nervous about the training we did last year- before Boyle's wedding" Amy says.

"This is different because-" Dean says before being cut off by a man up front. "All right. Everyone, take their seats." The man commands."My name is Agent Kendrick, Homeland Security and I am in charge here." Kendrick introduces himself. "This year's scenario. Terrorists have stored the Capital Trust bank building and have taken hostages." He says as Jake and Charles high-five each other. "Oh, cool trick. I don't have a tone of free time to practice high-fiving." Kendrick high-fives the man next to him. "You just made fun of us for that." Jake says confused.

"For practicing, that's the first time we've ever tried it. Here your assignments. A.T.F, you will be our terrorists." The man reads from his clipboard. "Homeland Security, you are command control. Marshals, Strike Team Alpha and N.Y.P.D? says here you will be our hostages." Kendrick says looking from the clipboard. "What that sucks" Dean says placing her feet on the floor. "What? So you just want us to lie on the ground and do nothing like, a bunch of losers?" Jake asked. "Yes, precisely." The man replied.


Half of the group was in a room the other half in a different. "Can you leave me some wiggle room so I can check my phone periodically?" Jake asks nodding at the man ties him to the chair. "Jake please- this is so boring" Dean groans as she sits on the floor tied up. "Why? waiting for your mom to text?" The man laughs as his friend joins in. "No, actually, I'm waiting for a girl who broke up with me to text," Jake argues pointing to his phone in his pocket.

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