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Thingy Ma Thingy

A thingy ma thingy is a complex word that can have any meaning. In order to understand a thingy ma thingy you have to understand the english language. Thing, Noun, an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to. This means that a thingy may be somewhat like a thing but it is different because it has two thingies in it. This results in a conflict of meaning because depending on the context that you are using it in it can have two meanings. This will result in further complexity of the word thingy ma thingy and will make it a more universal word, as you are able to use it for many anonymous meanings. A thingy ma thingy is similar to a whatchamacallit, but a whatchamacallit has a different meaning then a thingy ma thingy. If this thingy ma thing was to have the same meaning as a whatchamacallit, it would be able to be used in moderation. If this thingy ma thingy was able to be used as a whatchamacallit it would lose meaning and popularity; it would lose popularity especially around people who give vague descriptions of anything or people who forget things. This will result in less people using the word thingy ma thing and it will be forgotten in a year or so. If this was to happen the true meaning of the word would disappear, as there would be no one speaking or saying thingy ma thingy. If no one is saying thingy ma thingy it will hurt thingy ma thingy's feeling, and to hurt a words feelings is a crime against humanity. If you commit a crime against humanity you are most likely to be a person, because they are the only people who can commit said crime. If you are a person who commited said crie, you are a meenie and a bad person. This will result in you not liking thingy ma thingys and I will be mad. Recap, A thingy ma thingy is a word that has multiple meanings and is anonymous and can be used for vague descriptions. 

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