C H A P T E R: E I G H T Y-F I V E

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Manik's pov:

We were laying down on the mattress with my jaanu's head on my shoulder while the duvet covered us from the world... i played with our entwined fingers with my other hand reached her knee creasing it... i looked at her who at the same time she looked at me with her beautiful smile and then moved her face to the other side....

 i looked at her who at the same time she looked at me with her beautiful smile and then moved her face to the other side

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I smiled at her and kissed the back of her head... and tugged her hand a bit which was in my grip.... and in a blink she looked at me... i smiled brightly looking at her glowing face and leaning a bit mumbled against her cheek...

Me: i love you jaanu!

She giggled a bit before taking out her hand from my grip she turned to me and settled the duvet over her chest properly... i moved my hand to her waist while the other one was still on her leg... i looked at her after glancing my hand and she just placed her one hand on my chest and the other one touched my cheek lightly...

Me: what?

I asked after a few seconds.... she smiled before asking me...

Nandini: why you started to call me jaanu? Like it was always princess for you no?

I smiled and i pulled her closer with our naked bodies touching each other... i bit my inner cheek and then looked at her... she looked at me with a small blush adorned her face...

Me: well you are my princess, but i love to call you jaanu, because for me you are my everything, yea mom and dad are also there for me, but i can never be that close to them the way i am with you, i love you so much that I can't tell you, you became me small world in this period, and thinking of you I couldn't get any better name for you except JAANU, my jaan, my life!

I smiled at her rubbing her nose with me... pulling back i saw her lips stretched into a beautiful smile...

Nandini: i love you!
Me: i know!

I mumbled and kissed her forehead who just cuddled to me looked at the tree shining infront us with all the fairy lights....


Nandini's pov:

I opened my eyes after coming back to the reality... which is way more beautiful than any dream of mine... opening my eyes i looked on my side to see the person who made my reality this beautiful that I don't want to live in my dreams now.... smiling a bit i kissed his cheek mumbling...

Me: i love you!

I laughed lightly listening to his soft snors and nodding my head in disbelief i looked down at me i was fulled covered with the duvet sharing it with him... my manik... i glanced at him one more time and the removing the duvet ran to our room... coming inside in entered the washroom and stood infront the mirror...
As my eyes reached at my reflection in the mirror i was surprised... my face was glowing so much like never before... my eyes moved to my body as i saw a blueish mark just above my heart on my light breast... i pulled my hand up and touched the mark as i hissed for a moment...
A smile came up on my face as i saw the hickey with adoration... this is the first mark i have on my telling me that i belong to someone... and that someone is non other than my love... my manik... my world...
blushing at my thoughts of last night i walked to the shower area and started to take a soothing shower with a smile lingering on my lips... wraping a towel on my wet body i opened the door of the closet... and entering inside took a black shirt and shorts as i know we will be staying at home for a while due to the holiday...

Changing into my dress

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Changing into my dress... i came out to the bed room and walking on the other side of the bed sat there and took my mobile from it... which i placed there yesterday night... sitting their i continued to look at the mails... when i felt the bed dipping... but before i could turn i felt a pair of cold lips on my warm body making me take a heavy breath

 but before i could turn i felt a pair of cold lips on my warm body making me take a heavy breath

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After placing a few kissing on my back manik laid on the bed with is head beside me... i moved my gaze to manik and cupped his fave with one hand...

Me: when you woke up?
Manik: right now! You were not there!

He said with a pout making me smile... i bend to touch our nose together and spoke while rubbing our nose together...

Me: i went to take a shower!

Saying so i pulled back and sat straight when my hand moved back to his waist.... i frowned not finding any cloth and i looked back to see manik laying there all naked.... and it was enough for me to close my eyes before turing my face and i shouted his name...

Me: manik!!!

I heared his laugh which made me open my eyes and glare at him...

Manik: what?

I again glared at him who huffed and then spoke...

Manik: okay fine, i am going

I nodded and stood up to go when i felt his hand on my wrist and a few moments later i was half laying on him as he kissed me softly...
breaking the kiss i smiled at him and said...

Me: go take a shower!

I smiled and then got up... i rolled my eyes before turning back and after i heared the door closing i looked at the door and then came out of the room in the living room so that i can clean the mess...


As i said!
This one has to be a cute one!
So how was it?
I literally die to write this story!
But i never ever got the comments in that way!
Come on yr a few seconds it takes to tell your opinion about the update!
Will be waiting for your reviews!


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