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Star's pov

I walked to the edge of the boardwalk where the boys where, and got one David's bike as Dywane help Laddie on to his. I looked back at the cute curly brown haired boy that had been following me along with the younger boy following him. The younger boy said something to the other boy and they walked of as we drove away.

When we stopped at the end of the cliff David spoke. " There's a gift in there for you guys " he said as he and the others smirked at me " What is it " Laddie asked " A sister for Star, and a Mom and little brother for you " David said making my eyes widen. Laddie, and I both race inside but for different reasons. Sure enough as soon as we got inside we saw a teenage girl laying on one of the couches, and a small toddler playing with a blanket at her feet. I looked at them in pity the guys glared at me for it though I have no reason why I feel a connection to her though like she's my best freind or sister even though we just met. Laddie bounded down the stairs right to the toddler, knowing the girl wasn't going to wake up until late tomorrow evening, he pick the small child up and hugged him. As the baby started to squirm and get upset I stepped in " Laddie put him down your going to make him cry " I sighed before taking the toddler from Laddie, and putting him next to the girl who's ethier his sister or mother. " Bedtime " I told Laddie as we watched the small toddler snuggle into the girl, and fall asleep before going to our bed.

[ This is just a short filler chapter. So it's easier than introducing them to each other ]

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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